Not Sure

portrait of young woman

So, it’s Saturday. That usually means that I’m coming out with a new chapter for my blog stories. However, I finished the one that we were working through. I’ll be honest, I did not hear back a lot of feedback on what you all would like next. So, I’m not sure what to do with Saturdays. Do I just go for it and dive into a new story? Or do we move away from that and just focus on blogging?

Team Novel

So, I do love writing stories and want to get better at it. After all, if I want to publish a novel, I need to make sure I can tell a good story. However, I’m not sure what to do for my next story, if I were to pursue another story on this site. Should I try another mystery? Or, should I try another genre? If another genre, which one should I tackle.

One thought that I have had is wondering if I should do what I did with my last story, The Case of Adam Ness. What did I do? I just started writing and waited to see what it would become. Now, I know what some of you are going to say. That’s not a smart way to write a book. Maybe not, but it works for me. I’ve never been good with planning out a plot line.

Team Blog

Now, if I scrap Story Saturday and just continue with blogging, I’m not sure if I would actually keep Saturdays as a blog day every week. Maybe every once in a while if an extra blog idea came to mind, but I do not know if I could come up with another blog every week, on top of what I have. I will be honest, the idea of cutting out a day from posting on here is not ideal. Last month felt like I was getting some real traction and I want to keep that up. I even have two new blog series coming up this year and I’m really pumped about them. However, those blogs I’ve already assigned a posting day for. So, if we go with team blog, what happens to Saturdays?

Not Sure What to Do

Sometimes the answer comes to me while I’m typing up my blogs. However, not this time. The answer is just evading me. I suppose, if I don’t work on another story and drop Saturday from a regular posting day, I can dedicate Saturdays to working on the novel I want to publish. Even though I’m quite far into the story, possibly almost done the first book, there is so much I need to do still. With my book reading challenge I’m becoming more aware of how important details are, like describing a scene. I know I need to go back and add more detail in certain places and clean up other places. If I had more time to work on that, it would be nice.

Still Not Sure, But Let’s See

I think I will take the week to think it through and I will hopefully have an answer for you next week. The exciting hotel news is that I’ll be training someone new on night shifts soon which means I’ll only have 3 night shifts soon. Exciting. This means I’ll also be able to work more during the day or evenings and get full hours instead of trying to force myself to work more hours during the night. Which will also result in higher paychecks and I can pay off my debt faster. So exciting. It will also make blogging a bit easier because I can work on being more consistent with my posting. Hmm, maybe omitting Saturdays will be the better option after all. Like I said, I’ll get back to you.

Your Thoughts?

So, what are your thoughts? Do you want Story Saturdays to continue, or should we take a break for a while? Are you excited to find out about the new series in a few weeks? Man, it’s coming up fast, I still have a lot to do to prepare for it. Anyway, let me know what your thoughts are because I’m just not sure what exactly I want to do. Do I push myself for the sake of growing my blog, or do I take a break for the sake of my novel? Really, either option is a good one for me. So please, comment on the blog, the social media posts, send me an email or a message and let me know. What do you think I should do?

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.

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