Getting Stronger – 75 Soft

Okay, so this last week was a bit of a flop. I know – big surprise. Okay, deep breath. My stress levels have been rising up lately and today something happened to raise them some more. So, I’m going to take a deep breath, remember to take things one day at a time, and tell you how I have been getting stronger, even though I haven’t been as consistent as I would like.

The Week’s Struggles

I’m not sure what it is exactly, but working out was the furthest thing from my mind this week. All I wanted was actually book related. I wanted to edit the book I touched on in the last blog. On top of that, the book I was reading was really hard to put down. In fact, I stayed up late last night to finish it, then proceeded to freak out because I needed to read the next one, but also, I need to read the five before that. The review will come out Monday, so stay tuned for that. So, with working on my novel, reading, blogging and getting hours in at work, workouts were the furthest thing from my mind. In fact, so was drinking water. Eating was improved, but not perfect.

Still Getting Stronger

I’ve been trying to do push-ups daily. I’ve missed a few days, but hey, I’m trying. When I started, I had to do the push-ups from my knees. The other way was to be on my toes, go down as far as I could before just falling, and then push myself back up again. There’s a name for it, but it escapes me right now. However, lately, I can do 5 push-ups from my toes. It may not sound like much to some of you, but that’s exciting for me. I’m not going as low as I would like, and my arms are not quite in the position I would like, but hey, that’s why we work on getting stronger, right?

Flexibility Growth

I’ve also seen a small improvement in my flexibility. In fact, I have a goal for what I want to be able to do by the end of the year, so here’s hoping that I can get there. This is an area that I really want to see the most growth in because I’ve noticed my ankle, the one I hurt last year, is still really tight. Another reason I don’t want to run the 10k this year. It might actually require a chiropractor so we will see if I can wrangle up some money to get that done.

Might Need Some Help

I’m not talking about accountability. I have also noticed that some exercises have been making my back pop. I’m certain that is due to something being out of alignment. Again, I’ll need a chiropractor to help out with that. Yoga and stretching can only do so much on their own. Again, it will cost some money, but knowing that I need that to help me function, may put that as a bit more of a priority. But, with my financial stress, my back might have to be on the back burner.

Getting Stronger Together

I’ve mentioned that I have a friend who has been doing this with me. She has certainly been more disciplined than me, and I am so proud of her. The other day she messaged me to say that she has noticed that she is able to lift heavier since starting 75 Soft. That is really exciting. Progress is progress after all. And we need to celebrate the small wins. Because she has been more disciplined, she didn’t have to start over, and she’s killing it. Again, I’m so proud of her. I could learn a lot from her, if I just focused harder.

That’s the Update

So, that’s where we are. I’ve struggled to post consistent progress photos, workout regularly, and drink water, but I’m showing small improvements. Because of some news I got today, and with some unplanned expenses coming up, I will have to cut back a lot on other things, which will make eating right a bit trickier. It will also put a halt on completing cookbooks as I’ll just have to start being creative with the foods that I do have. Things will be tough for a while, but if all goes well, one of those financial stresses will be gone by June. Please pray that it works out that way. I just have to remind myself that anything can happen if I try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.