Chapter 10 – What Would You Do

rear view of a silhouette man in window

Alright my friends. Let’s see what our favourite characters are going to get up to today. Will Davis get away from his kidnappers? Tessa’s dad just lost his job, what will his family do? Find out in Chapter 10 of What Would You Do.

Chapter 10

Davis’ wrists were raw and bloody from his struggles to get free. Someone knew how to tie a good knot. He wasn’t sure how long he had been there, or how long he had been trying to get free, but the entire time he didn’t hear anything from the other side of the door. Nobody had come in either. Davis tried to stretch his back. His entire body was stiff from sitting in the chair so long and unable to move. He swallowed, his mouth and throat dry. How long had he been here that he felt so thirsty? He brushed his face against his shoulder, trying again to get the tape off his mouth. No luck. Feeling defeated, he slumped in the chair. Did his parents even know he was missing?

The door suddenly opened and two men in ski masks walked in, crossing the room to Davis. Fear gripped the teen as one of them pulled out a switch blade, and he tried to push his chair away. The first man grabbed the chair, while the other moved behind him.

“Relax kid. We’re not going to hurt you. Yet.” The man had a thick accent that had Davis’ mind racing. Where was it from? He had heard this accent before. He heard a rope snap and tried to move his arms. Still tied. “That was only the rope tying you to this chair. Get up.” Davis, with help from the first man, stood and nearly fell as his legs buckled. He had been sitting too long. Sighing, the two men grabbed him, one to each arm, and dragged him out of the room as he tried to get his legs to cooperate.

What Would You Do

The two men brought him up a set of stairs and Davis blinked in the sudden brightness as they exited the basement. Looking around, Davis saw he was in a kitchen, that looked too tidy and welcoming for the situation he found himself in. Before he could get a good look around, he was hustled out of the kitchen and up a staircase. As they passed the first room, Davis saw an elderly woman sitting in a wheelchair, staring outside. She didn’t turn to look at them as the trio passed. Where was he? They entered another room; a bedroom. A quick glance around made the teen suddenly nauseous. The windows were boarded up, the bed was an old frame, with a mattress. There were suspicious stains on the mattress. He desperately tried to get away from the men, but their grip was too strong.

“Stop struggling, Davis.” Looking around, he saw a man standing at one of the windows, which didn’t have boards. He was looking intently outside at something, and didn’t bother turning to address the teen when he spoke. “Have you ever watched birds, Davis? The way they work so diligently at building a nest, a home. The sacrifices they make to feed their young. And then, when it’s time, they teach their babies to fly and they leave the nest.” Davis could only stare at the man, not sure what he was getting at, but fear telling him it wasn’t just a nature lesson. “Leave us.” The two men shoved Davis on the bed and left the room, closing the door behind them.

Chapter 10

Amanda Steel looked at her watch, a frown on her face. Davis should have been back hours ago. The front door opened and she hurried to the entrance.

“Davis, where have you – oh, William, it’s just you.” William Steel frowned as he closed the door behind him.

“Not your usual greeting when you see me. What’s wrong?” She sighed, once again glancing at her watch.

“Davis has been gone all day and he isn’t answering his cell phone. I’ve asked all the staff and no one has heard from him. I’m worried.” William pulled out his cell phone, punching in a number.

“Frank, it’s me. My son is missing. Find him.”

What Would You Do

“Do you know why you’re here, Davis Steel?” He turned when Davis didn’t answer, saw the tape over his mouth and chuckled. “My apologies. Let’s take that off.” Crossing the room, the man came over and Davis finally got a good look at him. It was not the man from the diner. He looked familiar, but again, Davis couldn’t place him. The man was darker skinned, well muscled, with short black hair and dark brown eyes. As he reached to take the tape off of Davis’ mouth, the teen noted the hummingbird tattoo on his hand. Wincing as the tape was ripped from his face, Davis blinked back at the tears that started to form. The man smiled. “So sorry.”

Davis swallowed a few times, tried to ask why he was there, but his voice failed him. The man chuckled, seemingly amused, and left the room. Eyeing the window, Davis wondered if he could somehow signal for help. Getting to his feet, he quickly crossed the room, looking out the window and nearly sagging with defeat. The house was out in the country and the only thing he could see for miles was fields and trees. He leaned his forehead on the window, unshed tears burning his eyes.

“Thinking you could escape out the window?” Davis turned as the man walked over to him, a glass of water with a straw in his hand. He held it up for the teen, who eyed it suspiciously. “It’s just water. I want you alive and conscious, for now.” Davis couldn’t help the shudder that ran through him, but relented and took a sip of water. It was cool and refreshing to his parched throat. “Now, I’ll ask you again. Do you know why you’re here?” Davis shook his head, still not trusting his voice. The man’s smile was anything but friendly. “You’re here for revenge.”

Chapter 10

Tessa looked up from her book as her father walked into the house. The slump in his shoulders told her the interview had not gone well. Her mother had taken an extra shift at the salon today, and Susie was fast asleep in her room. The teen had checked on her younger sister multiple times, each time feeling relieved at seeing her sister sleeping peacefully. John looked over at his eldest child, tried to smile, but failed. Putting her book down, Tessa got off the couch and crossed the room to hug her dad. She had never seen him look as defeated as he did now.

“I don’t know what to do Tessa. We need money, but I can’t find work. What am I going to do?” Tessa hugged her father, the two of them just standing there, tears streaming down her face.

“We’ll find a way, dad. Somehow we will find a way.”

Yeah, I’m Ending Here

What did you think? You would get all the answers today? I would hope you know me better than that. How will the Rhodes find enough money for Susie’s surgery? Who is Frank and will he find Davis? And what about this mystery man who has Davis? What does he mean by revenge? Guess you’ll have to wait till next week to find out. Have a great weekend my friends and I’ll see you Monday with a new book review.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.