Spring Goals

hello spring inscription with blooming flower on black background

Finally! After waiting patiently, or maybe a bit impatiently, spring has arrived. The sun is shining. The weather is improving. And it just feels like a new beginning. Well, to me anyway. There are some things that are changing in goals, as the weather warms up. Let me share my spring goals.

Spring goals renewed

I will not be training for a 10k this year. I’ll explain that in a bit. However, I do still want to get new running shoes and go jogging throughout the spring and summer, maybe even into the fall. That has not changed. It’s a really good way to clear my mind and I know it’s also good for my mental health. Another one of my spring goals is to go on some hikes this year. Hopefully I can get more than one hike in. I’ll need to start planning those soon and get a park pass. I believe the one I bought last year has expired now.

Why no 10K run

Finances, to be honest. Plus, I’m sort of planning something big at the hotel that weekend, so I don’t think I’ll have time or energy to do a 10k run on top of that. To be clear, this does not mean I don’t intend to run one again. I do want to run another one. Maybe I can find another one later in the year that will be more attainable, but for now, it is not in the books for this year. But, I really do want to run another 10k because I would love to run a half marathon before I turn 40. Maybe a full marathon, but that might be pushing it. To give some context, I’m turning 35 next month. So, yeah, I have some time, but is it enough to get in a full marathon? We’ll see.

Enjoying spring weather

One of the main goals that I have for this spring, and continuing into summer and possibly fall, is to get outside more. This will take a bit more of an effort as I rarely leave the hotel these days. It’s so easy to just stay inside, binge watch something on TV or on YouTube, and not really do much else. This year I intend to make a more conscious effort to get outside. With the way things are, I can’t disappear and go camping for a week or two this year. So, I’ll have to use the time that I do have, wisely.

Did someone say BBQ?

Even though I live at the hotel, and they no longer have a BBQ due to guests breaking it, one of my spring goals is to BBQ, a lot. Burgers, salads, cold drinks. That all sounds amazing. End the day around a bonfire, why not? Some of my friends have a BBQ and I’m sure they will be just as excited for that as I am. I also would love to do picnics in the park, at the beach, or even in someone’s backyard. Food, friends or family and great weather – sounds like the perfect way to spend the warmer months of the year.

What about you?

Do you have some spring goals or plans? Are you excited that the weather is finally warming up? Or maybe you live on the other side of the world and it’s getting cooler for you. How do you plan to spend the next few months? What is your favourite thing to do in the spring and summer? I would love to hear from you all. And I hope that you all get to do the things you want to do. But we know, anything is possible if we try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.