Experience 2024 – A To Do List

pink cards on leafy background

No, this is not a new year’s resolution blog. It’s a bit late for that seeing as we are in February already. This blog is going to be about things that I hope to accomplish this year in experiencing life. I suppose some will see it as a resolution, but I have been thinking about how to make a year, that has not had a great start, a great year. So, this is how I hope to experience 2024.

What i don’t want to do

First, let’s get some things out of the way. A list of how I do not want to experience 2024. First, I do not want to sit around the hotel and mope because I am, in a sense, homeless and drowning in debt. I may not be able to afford to go out all the time and do all the things that I want to do, but that doesn’t mean I need to sit in the hotel all the time. There are plenty of free things I can do, and these are things I want to do as well. I also do not want to miss out on experiences. There is so much to do and experience in life, so the pity party is not invited, and we are going to live life to the fullest. Just, on a budget instead of wild and loose like I’ve done in the past.

experience 2024 hiking

This is something I put on my list every single year. I go on one hike, say I’ll go again, and never do. Not this year. This year I want to go on as many hikes as I can. I have lots of friends who love to go hiking, so why not use that as a great hang out time. One thing I will make sure I’m well stocked up on – bug spray. Apparently bugs love me. I’m not sure why. Yes, I’ll have to get a park pass, but it will be worth it if I’m actually using it, as opposed to other years. So, please hold me accountable and ask for hiking blogs with lots of pictures. Bug me if you need to.

beach days

What better way to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon in summer, than to go to the beach. Swimming, sun tanning, picnics and maybe a scattering of other activities. Every year I aim to go to the beach and then I get myself too busy to actually go. This year I want to make time to go to the beach with friends and just have a good time. Whether we are tossing a frisbee, swimming, or laying on the beach reading our own books (I still have my reading challenge after all), this year I want to get outside. This is something that I feel like I miss out on every year, but it is mainly my own laziness. Not this year. I’ve got some cute swimsuits and they need to be worn…and not just in the hotel hot tub, though that’s nice too.

getting outside

Yes, the last two involve going outside, but I’m thinking I can do better than waiting to go on a hike or to the beach to get outside. A walk through the park, or even just sitting outside and reading a book. My friends and I have not had a picnic in a while, so that would fun to do. It would also be fun to go to friend’s houses for bonfires, or playing with their kids in the yard. Anything to leave the hotel and get some fresh air. And if I have to do it alone, I’ll pop on some headphones and listen to some podcasts or music and take a nice leisurely stroll. Another fun thing to do is go for a walk for bubble tea. I love bubble tea.

Experience 2024 with people

There are lots of people that I barely see each year because I don’t put in the effort. I apologize if you’re reading that and are thinking, yup, I’m one of those people. Mom, I know you read these blogs and you are not allowed to say that because I can’t afford to fly to Alberta every month. I’m sorry. But this year I do want to be more intentional with people. This is something else I feel like I say every year and then drop the ball. Sorry about that. However, I do intend on making a better effort this year.


I know what you’re thinking. How much more writing do you want to do? You blog 4x a week. Remember that novel I want to publish? I need to actually be intentional with that. I’m hoping that once I have less night shifts (hopefully by the end of this month), I will have more hours elsewhere and can have full days off. Right now, I don’t get that due to working 5 nights a week. But, once that changes, I would love to go sit in a coffee shop and just focus on writing for a few hours. I used to love doing this, so it is something I want to get back into. Plus, if my friend, who is also a writer, wants to come, it could be fun to bounce ideas off each other. And again, it’s a way to get out of the hotel for a few hours.

how do you want to experience 2024

What are some experiences that you want to have this year? How do you want to experience 2024? Are there activities you’ve been dying to try, but haven’t? What’s holding you back? Life is so much more than just sitting around and doing nothing. Get outside, spend time with loved ones, and experience life to the fullest. We never know how much time we have, so let’s not waste the time we have. Let’s experience 2024 to the fullest. You never know what will happen, unless you try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.