Excited About Cooking

You guys!!!! The delicious recipes that I’ve made this week! Everything has been so filling and so delicious. It gets me excited about cooking all over again. Especially when the food you make gets others excited as well. I’ve made food for people and with people and I even made a dessert this week. Unfortunately, I just realised that I completely forgot to take a picture of the dessert. Sorry. Let me tell you about some of the food I ate this week.

Getting Excited About Cooking

First, we start with the most important thing – deciding what to make. I try to do this a week in advance so that I can do one shop for the week and have everything I need. Next, I try to make sure that the recipes have similar enough ingredients, so that I don’t have to buy too much. Also, try to pick recipes where you have a good amount of the ingredients already. This also helps keep your cost down. Lastly, don’t pick too many recipes. I tend to pick 3-4 recipes per week. Now, let’s see what I made this week.

Tuna Casserole

I was humming and hawing about making this this week. As I was chatting with a coworker and told her I was thinking about making it, her face lit up. “I love tuna casserole” she said. That sealed it. I was going to make her tuna casserole. I’ve always found that I’m a lot more motivated to cook when I have someone to cook for or cook with. It’s easy to get excited about cooking when I know I can make someone else’s day. And I was really glad that I made it. It was delicious and I had leftovers for the next day. Bonus.

Tuna Casserole

Spicy Sausage Ratatouille

I didn’t have a rat help me with this meal, but I did have help in the form of my coworker’s daughter. In fact, she picked out the recipe. We didn’t have spicy sausage, but we had pepperoni, so we used that. And because the recipe called for cheese, I used my dairy free cheese, which was a different blend. However, it all still worked. The food smelled amazing, looked amazing, and you guessed it – tasted amazing. And the recipe was big enough that there were plenty of leftovers. I sent some home with my young helper so that her mom didn’t have to worry about what to make her for lunch the next day. You can’t tell me, as you look at that picture, that you don’t want a bite.

Spicy Sausage Ratatouille

Peanut Butter Rice Krispie Bars

Next it was time for dessert. And you can’t go wrong with rice krispies, peanut butter and chocolate. At first, my young helper didn’t think she would like it because she found it too sweet and didn’t like the after taste of the peanut butter I was using. I found out she was used to a sugar free peanut butter. She did want to try it though, and it turned out that she liked it so much she asked for a second. I left the extras at the desk for my coworkers and they disappeared very quickly. It was actually in a day I think. Perhaps I’ll have to do more desserts for the staff. It will help me finish my desserts recipe book, without eating all the dessert myself.

Mushroom Bibimbap Style Bowls

Okay. My friend and I were very excited about cooking this meal together. Last week we made sushi bowls and since most of the same ingredients were in this recipe, it made for a small grocery list. When I tell you that there was so much flavour in this – I mean every single bite was packed with flavour. It called for a sauce called gochujang, which I tried to find but couldn’t. So, I bought a very hot hot sauce. The sauce we made with it was so good, but man did it pack a punch on its own. However, with the rest of the ingredients, it was the perfect flavour and heat for the meal. We would definitely eat this again.

Mushroom Bibimbap Style Bowls

Until Next Week Get Excited About Cooking

All these delicious recipes have me excited about cooking and I can’t wait to tackle the next recipe. I will have to take it easy until the next pay day because I had some bills to pay this week, so I’m out of money again. Hopefully I can gather enough things for the recipes I have planned. I hope some of these meals get you excited about cooking and inspire you as well. Honestly, trying new recipes is so much better, to me, than eating the same thing over and over. Though I do have some staples that I love to go back to. So, I challenge you to try a new recipe this month. Look online or through your cookbooks and find something that makes your mouth water just thinking about it. That’s how you know you found a good one. Until next time remember that anything can happen if you try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.