Week 2 – 2024 Fitness Journey

Alright, time for another update on my fitness journey in 2024. Week 2 was not as great as week 1, but not a failure by a long shot. Just a lot busier. However, I am determined to not give you the same fitness journey blogs that I did in 2023, where each one was, “Oops, I failed again”. Nope, not this year. This year will be better. So, let’s dive into my Fitness Journey 2024 – Week 2!

The Start of Week 2

Well, it didn’t start like week 1, I can tell you that much. It started off with a really bad night where I got little to no sleep and then covered a shift for a coworker. I was able to grab a quick nap after my shift and then we had our staff Christmas party. When that ended, I sat in the hot tub at the hotel with some coworkers, grabbed a cat nap, and then started my night shift. Thankfully it was quiet and I was able to grab a nap on my night shift. Tuesday was also quite busy, so I couldn’t do a lot then. My workout consisted of me running to the store to grab a missing ingredient, realising I didn’t have enough time for what I wanted, and changing the meal I was making. Then covered another shift and continued on with another night shift.

Not All Bad

I may have dropped the ball with my goal to do yoga everyday this month, but that’s not to say I wasn’t doing some workouts. I tried a video on YouTube from GrowwithJo. It was a low impact cardio workout and it was a great way to reintroduce cardio into my life. I’ve done that video twice now this week, and one of those times I paired it with a stretching video I found. I really do not want to risk hurting my ankle again this year. Now, enough on workouts. Let’s talk about food.

The Meals

Chicken Stack on Homemade Focaccia Bread

So, to be clear, I’m not aiming for overly healthy food. The goal right now is just to start making my own meals and not eat out. Helpful when you don’t have money to eat out. I’m sorry, I was a terrible blogger and did not take pictures of everything that I made, but I did remember some. For those who follow my social media account you may have come across my reel of making bread. You guys! It was so delicious. I’ve made a total of 3 loaves already. One I gave to a coworker, but the other two I have eaten already. Well, the first loaf I shared with one of my other coworkers as her daughter was the one to help me out. The second loaf I turned into this sandwich that you see. It was amazing.

There was a day that I made salmon with rice and asparagus. Unfortunately my asparagus wasn’t crisp like I wanted and was flimsy, but still tasty. That was probably the healthiest meal I made this week, in regard to weight loss, but it was not the tastiest. That is a tie between the sandwich made with homemade bread and the sloppy joe sandwiches that I made. They were supposed to be calzones but due to time I had to make them into sandwiches instead. Still delicious.

Ending Week 2 Strong

Finishing my leftover sloppy joe sandwich.

The week isn’t over, so I intend to end it on the right foot. I do plan to do some yoga today, and possibly over the weekend, just to make sure I’m not developing any tight muscles. This will be really important if I do more cardio videos. I do also want to note that I’m not perfect with my eating. A lot of chocolate was consumed this week. Probably too much. I just remembered that I forgot to get pictures of a dessert quesadilla that I made this week. Shoot. I’ll try to do better with next week’s blog. Until then, I hope you all have a fantastic week. Let me know how your journeys are going. Let’s meet our goals this year, together. After all, anything can happen if we try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.