The Curse of Misty Wayfair

photo of person holding a book

Last week I accidentally published my review of American Sniper on Thursday instead of saving it for today. I was sharing my frustration with a friend. Now I had to think of what to write for Monday. She jokingly said, “You could always finish another book and write a review for that.” We both laughed and thought nothing of it. But, wouldn’t you know it, that’s exactly what I did. Here is my review on The Curse of Misty Wayfair. I’ll try not to give away any spoilers.

What is The Curse of Misty Wayfair About

The Curse of Misty Wayfair is written by Jaime Jo Wright and falls in the Christian mystery/thriller style of writing. Someone called it Gothic. The story follows two different women from two different times but takes place in the same town – Pleasant Valley. Both women hear about the Curse of Misty Wayfair and find their lives sucked into a mystery from the 1800s. The other thing these two women share is their lack of self. They wrestle with who they are and both women are challenged to focus on the idea of a Creator and the fact that they were created. The book also deals with mental health issues such as dementia, autism, and anxiety.

What I Liked

Well, the fact that I read two chapters one day and the rest of the book another, you can be sure there was a lot I liked. The characters were very well written and their growth was very believable. The story was captivating. I kept telling myself one more chapter and then I needed to go to bed. One more chapter turned into another and another, until I finished the book. Yup, I was up all night. The mystery was filled with so many twists and turns that you had to keep turning the page to find out what was about to happen. The book went back and forth between the two women’s stories in a way that highlighted both women’s stories perfectly, neither getting more attention than the other. The whole time you were right with the two women, trying to figure out the mystery behind the curse.

What I Disliked

The fact that I finished the book and didn’t have another Jaime Jo Wright book to read that very instant. But seriously, this book was so good. If I had to nitpick at it I would say that there were some aspects of the book that were predictable in the buildup to what was happening. But, that’s more because I was paying attention to what I was reading, and my brain was already trying to figure out the mystery. There were times I was upset that I had to switch to the next character in the next chapter, but that was because Jaime had this great way of drawing you to the edge right before she switched to the other character and left you hanging. Of course, she did this with every switch over and as a writer, I love that.

The Curse of Misty Wayfair Rating

Overall, I have to give The Curse of Misty Wayfair a 5 star rating. If I had just started reading chapter 3 that first day, I can guarantee you that I would have read this book in one sitting. That’s how much I enjoyed it. Even for the moments that were predictable, there were just as many unpredictable moments. One in particular had my jaw on the floor. There were undertones of romance in the book that didn’t leave a bad taste in my mouth. And I really dislike romance. But the way Jaime wrote the book, I was aware of the romance, but it wasn’t in my face and taking over the story. The Curse of Misty Wayfair is a must read and I will recommend it to all of you.

Onto the Next One

Well, I am at a bit of a roadblock at the moment. I have one book left on my shelf that I haven’t read, but I know it’s a second book in a series where I have not read the first one. I got the book for free, which is the reason I have it. There are other books on my shelf, but they are non-fiction/educational style books. Not what I want to read at the moment. My friends are encouraging me to get a library card, which I might cave on tomorrow. It’s closed today. I hope they have books that I want to read. The Orphan X series and more books by Jaime Jo Wright are at the top of by TBR (to be read) and that’s what I want to read right now.

Any Recommendations

What about you? Have you read a book that you think is a must read for me? What are you reading right now? I would love to know. In regards to my blogs, I think I might lean a lot more towards book review blogs going forward. Who knows, maybe they will reach the authors themselves. I’ve heard that people on YouTube who review books get sent free books. That would be absolutely amazing if my book review blogs got me to a point where I was getting sent books to review. Anything can happen, if I keep reading and reviewing books.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.

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