Single – And That’s Okay

person standing on hand rails with arms wide open facing the mountains and clouds

Happy Valentine’s Day my friends. To some of you, this day means spending way too much money on your significant other. For others, you’re the one getting spoiled. I’ve talked to couples who have been married so long that this day just doesn’t hold meaning. After all, why should you only show your spouse/partner love on one day? Last, but certainly not least, you then have the single people. I’m in that category still and I’m okay with that.

How to Celebrate When You’re Single

Treat yourself! This doesn’t have to look like an expensive getaway, meal, or present for yourself. I know that not all of us can afford that. No, I’m talking about self love. What makes you happy? Is there an activity that brings you joy? Perhaps you have a group of single friends. Why not do something for each other? Have a potluck, or a movie night. If you can afford it, go out. Have fun. Going out sound terrifying? Stay in. Some people honestly just want to snuggle up with a warm drink, wrapped in a blanket and reading a good book. That’s amazing. What I’m try to say is, don’t let yourself feel like you’re missing out because you’re single. You are still loved, valued, and important.

I’m Not Sad That I’m Single

Yesterday I was contemplating my singleness. I had just seen a post showing that my last ex had just gotten married. This seems to be a trend for guys I date. We date, then break up. They meet someone new and get married. Then there’s me, still single and wondering what’s going on. There are days when I find myself wondering when will it be my turn? Will I get a turn? Then I remember that God has an amazing plan for my life, even if I don’t see it right now. His timing is perfect and if I’m meant to get married, I will. Sometimes it takes a while for this to kick in. Other days it’s easier. For the most part – I’m happy. Sure, there are things that suck in my life, but I am content with my singleness.

My Valentine’s Day

So, what does Valentine’s Day look like for me? I’m working. Yup, I decided to give everyone else the evening off. Ironically, I am the only single person who works at the front desk. Don’t get me wrong, no one really asked for the day off, I just decided it. Ok, honestly, I forgot it was Valentine’s Day when I made the schedule. Oops. Now that I think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever been in a relationship around Valentine’s Day. Maybe that’s why it’s not really on my radar. To me, it’s just another day.

Living My Life While I Wait

In the past, when I started to feel that I was ready to date, I would sign up on some online dating site, hoping to meet Mr. Right. I would get desperation, rude, or guys who rejected me. Sure, I would agree to a date or two, but nothing ever stuck. Then there were a few guys that were nice and we would chat, but I never felt that we clicked enough to try a date. I’m not trying that this time. This time, I’m going to just live my life and see who ends up in it. The tricky part is getting out of the hotel and going to places – when you have no money. Once it’s nicer I’ll go for walks and jogs. When I have enough money, I’ll treat myself to a day out. As much as it embarrasses me to say this, I hope for a meet cute. Will it happen? Who knows, but it won’t if I don’t leave the hotel. After all, we know that anything can happen, if we live our lives and try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.