My Why Renewed

white clouds with sun piercing through it

Last year I wrote about why I started blogging. To be honest, I had to go back and read it because I couldn’t remember what I all said. I can tell that it was one of the first blogs I ever wrote. It’s a bit long winded. That shows how much I’ve grown as a blogger. Well, this year my “why” has changed a bit. I still have a lot of the same hopes and dreams, but there are some differences. Let me show you my why renewed.

What’s the Same

So, like I mentioned, some of my reasons are the same. I still want to travel more and make travel blogs. Having more free time to be with the people I care about is still a reason. So is donating money and not just keeping it for myself. The more I think about it, the more I am confident that these reasons will never leave. These whys are the foundation of why I blog, and the fuel that keeps me going. So, where has my why renewed?

My Why Renewed

I think the biggest reason I want my blogs to make money is pretty obvious. Currently I am living at the hotel where I work. It’s great temporarily, but not ideal long term. So, naturally, I would like the extra money to find a place to live. There are these beautiful apartments that I have had an eye on, which I can’t afford with my current debt load. However, having the dream to live in that apartment is a new “why” for me. My why renewed with the amount of debt I have. I can chip away at it with what I’m making at the hotel, but it would be so nice to have that extra money to make it disappear faster.

Keep Trying

Perhaps last year I was a bit naive about my blogs. I was so sure that I would start making money from blogging after the first few months. This has not happened, but I’m so close, you guys. I can almost see the paycheck. We almost made it, so thank you for all your support. My past self would have been disheartened and probably would have given up by now. Every time I hear a comment or read a comment about my blog, that encourages me to keep going. You guys are also my why renewed.

Keep my Why Renewed

I think that it’s important for me to keep reevaluating my “why” for blogging. If my reason dies out, then I have nothing to work towards. Writing blogs would be pointless. So, I’m glad that I have more reasons, more motivation to keep going. Do I hope that once that first paycheck drops they’ll start coming a bit more frequently? Absolutely. But I also know that I still have to put in the work. No work, no reward. It’s that simple. Maybe I only get paid once this year, or maybe I get paid more than once. As long as I hold onto my “why”, renewed and old, I will keep working towards my goals.

I have heard from some that you would love to read my blogs more, but the time just isn’t there. Don’t worry. It won’t be this year, but next year I will be putting my blogs into audio form, so you can listen to them. Something for you all to look forward to.

Thank You

Again, I cannot thank you all enough. Hearing how my blogs encourage or inspire or entertain is always a joy. I really do love hearing from you guys so please, leave a comment on the blog or my socials. Send me a message. Let’s start some fun conversations. And I will try a lot better to write blogs that you suggest. Let me know what blogs you enjoy and want more of. Or, if you think there’s a style of blog I have not touched on and would like me to, comment that. Fair warning, I will not be good at fashion, makeup or politics, so maybe don’t request those. I am clueless in all those departments. Other than those, let me know what you want and let’s make this blog amazing. Anything can happen if we try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.

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