Fun Fitness

young slender female athletes giving high five to each other while training together in sports club

This week I have been focusing a lot on fun fitness. What does that mean? Not just focusing on the usual workouts. Yoga, Pilates, Weights, Running,etc. are all good, but the best workouts are when you’re having too much fun to remember you’re working out. Let me tell you more about that, how I intend to continue to incorporate fun into fitness, and how everything else is going.

Fun Fitness

So, how have I been having fun while working out? As weird as this may sound to some of you – video games. I finally set up my Wii and I have a few active games, such as Just Dance 1, 2 and 3 and WiiFit. Ever since I set it up I have been playing some of those games to get a bit more active. There’s nothing better than dancing around, or looking silly on the WiiFit board and knowing that even though you’re having a lot of fun, you’re also working out. And before you knock it, I have been feeling some of my muscles due to some of those games.

Friend Fitness

What’s better than working out with a friend? I’m not sure. With the new year, one of my friends and I have decided to get together once a week and do a short workout together. We’ve done yoga videos, a grow with Jo video, and a short HIIT workout. Not all on the same day of course. We are not crazy like that. The goal is to inspire each other to workout, get in shape, and we usually have a good laugh at some point. The accountability of doing a workout with a friend really helps me to stay on track and I consider that fun fitness.

Future Fun Fitness

Being active isn’t just doing a workout video or going to the gym. As the weather gets better I want to go for walks and then begin my jogging training. While it’s cold outside I’ll work on my cardio and strengthening my legs, as well as stretching to make sure that I’m in good condition to begin jogging. Believe me, I am nervous about starting jogging again because it’s been so long. Some of you may be wondering how jogging can be fun. Well, get a good playlist and grab a friend and you can make it a good time. Plus the satisfaction at the end of a run, or passing other runners who encourage you because they get what you’re going through, is the best. Other ways I want to incorporate fun fitness are hiking, swimming, and going for walks with friends.

How’s Everything Else

Not bad. I have not been eating out, and I’ve been enjoying cooking new recipes. Today I actually got a few groceries for three recipes that I want to try out this week. One of them is going to be quite interesting, but I’ll save that for next week. Don’t worry, I’ll be good and take pictures of the meals I make this week. I’ve been doing terrible with that. I’ve been drinking a lot more water, as per my challenge that I started this week as well. I’ll do an update on that on Monday. Some things I’m excited to try in the future are continuing to make my own bread, starting to make my own pasta and my own vegan cheese. I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it in the past, but I can’t have dairy, so we go the vegan route with dairy products. When I found recipes to make my own vegan cheese and cream cheese, I got really excited. I’ll be sure to blog about that when I try it.

Until Next Week

So, that’s my fitness update. I know I originally wanted to do yoga everyday, but I’m okay with not doing that every day right now. I’m doing something active and that’s what counts. I am making sure to stretch a bit though so that I make sure I’m loose for when I start running again. Next week I’ll do a more food focused blog and share pictures of some of the food I’m eating. Slowly but surely I will make it through my cookbooks and get more. I have my eye on a cookbook that’s all about bread. If I’m making my own bread you know that I want that cookbook. I’ve got a few to get through first though but I know I can do it. After all, anything can happen if I try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.