Back to Wellness

Taking time for wellness

Lately, I’ve been under a lot of stress. A few days ago a simple message sent me over the edge and I just cried and couldn’t stop for quite a while. I started my shift and was talking with some coworkers and broke down crying all over again. This blog isn’t going to be about what I’m stressed about. No, this blog will be about me getting back to wellness. Let me tell you about how I’m focusing on my mental health this week.


There is something special about spending the first part of your day in the quietness of devotions. For me devotions involve a cup of tea or coffee, wrapping in a blanket, turning on some instrumental music, and I begin. To start my time I read a chapter of the Bible. I’m not going through a particular order, I just open up my Bible, pick the book I open up to, and then go through that book. After that is done I spend time journaling and praying. I do not set a timer, unless I’m squeezing it in before work. When I start my day like this, there’s just a peace about me and I don’t have to start my day stressed. Any stress I was feeling when I woke up, I left with God and he gave me peace in return. That is how devotions are helping me get back to wellness.

Physical wellness

Sometimes my stress just builds up into nervous energy and that can lead to an emotional meltdown, like the other day. The best way for me to get rid of that is through exercise. You would think this would be a good motivator for me, but not always. This week I’ve done well but I’ll share more about the exercise portion of my week on Friday. However, it has been good to burn off some energy in a fun way. When I’m having fun working out is when I want to work out. I’m sure many of you can relate. That is how exercise is helping me get back to wellness.

Planning Ahead

One might think that planning ahead would be more stressful and not helpful. However, I find for myself that it motivates me. In fact, I started to think ahead to the goals and dreams for this year, and going into next year. I know, we just started this year. What can I say, I dream big. There is a lot of excitement in the hopes and dreams and it’s honestly my biggest motivator. If I can pull off my goals for this year next year is going to be huge. Sorry, that’s all you get right now. My little, or big, secret. And, as we all know, a lot can change in a year. I don’t want to promise you all something and then not deliver. Sometimes I simply forget about what I said I would do. There were a few blogs I never got around to last year. Sorry about that. Fingers crossed that these things can happen. I guess you’ll just have to keep following to see.

Back to Wellness

There are other things I’m doing as well. Trying new recipes, talking with friends and people I look up to, as well as trying to get rest. Getting back to wellness is super important because I can’t be falling apart all the time. That is not what I want this year to look like. I want this year to be filled with hope and anticipation. There are goals to meet and dreams to chase.

How are you doing? Are you okay? What are some ways you take care of your mental health? I would love to hear from you. This year I also want to write the blogs that you want to read. So, send me some ideas. This time I’ll be more organised with my ideas and I’ll get your blogs out to you. Send me some topics you would like to see me cover. If it’s something I simply can’t cover, I’ll be honest, but I can give it a try. After all, anything can happen if I try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.