Workouts of 75 Soft

woman doing push ups on wooden bench

So, I did do better overall this week, but not perfect. There was one off day where I just completely forgot about water so I only had 1 out of 3 litres. However, I want to talk about the thing that has been going well for me with this challenge. That’s the workouts I’ve been doing for 75 Soft. Let me share some of my favourites.

Grow with jo

When I know I need to do a workout, but I’m just not feeling it, she is my go to. Jo’s workouts are beginner friendly cardio. I don’t usually break a sweat with her workouts, but they get me moving and my heart rate up a bit, so it does the job. Jo has an assortment of workouts that range from walking, dancing, and some others. She also usually has some fun music and she has so much fun doing the workout that you can’t help but smile while working out with her.

mad fit

Another YouTube channel. There is such a huge variety of workouts on her channel, and different difficulty levels. You really have a lot to choose from. This week, my friend and I did her lower body dumbbell workout and man were our legs burning afterwards. We have, in past weeks, done her upper body dumbbell workouts as well, and I think we have done some cardio, but I’m not certain.


For those who don’t know, callisthenic workouts are body weight workouts. Push-ups, squats, planks and more of that sort. Now, I know that if you go advanced with these, they can look pretty intense, but I’ve been working on the beginner versions. Yes, YouTube to the rescue again. I’ve done the beginner workouts on Lucy Lismore’s channel and I love them. Honestly, I’m determined to master the diamond push-up this year. She has a fun accent, is really chill, and has a variety of workouts as well. She also shares a bit of her weight loss journey. I highly recommend her.


This is something I try to incorporate multiple times a week. My ankle has been bothering me, and I haven’t even started jogging yet. I’ve also noticed that each time I do a stretching or yoga session, I feel really tight. This may become something I put as a daily thing, but we will see what happens. Even though I have been feeling tight, I do notice that my flexibility does seem to be progressing, so that’s exciting.

workouts I want to try

There is a sight that has a whole bunch of different workouts and plans to follow, and I am determined to follow one or more of those at some point this year. No, I will not share the workout site as I might do a blog journey on just those workouts. I haven’t decided yet. Another challenge I want to try this year is completing one of the Epic programs from Caroline Girvin. They terrify me, but I’ve done her workouts in the past. They are the kind that kick your butt, but you feel incredible afterwards. I have not tried one of her full programs yet, so we will see if I do that.

What workout challenges should I try?

Have you heard of any challenges that you think I would like to try? Or perhaps you want me to be the guinea pig to see if it’s doable. After all, if I can successfully complete a challenge then certainly anyone can. I think it would be fun to try some of your challenge ideas, so please feel free to send them my way. It might just become my next big blog success. Anything is possible, if we try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.