Water Challenge – Part 1

fluid pouring in pint glass

Time to give you an update on how things are going with my habit building of drinking more water. I will admit that it’s not going the way that I had hoped, but there are a lot of positives as well. So, let’s get into the blog and talk about my water challenge.

Water Challenge Goal

So, the goal is to build a habit of drinking more water. I am terrible at drinking enough water. Last year I had many days where I’m sure that I forgot to drink water at all. This year I want to change that and so I’m doing this 6 week challenge to focus on drinking more water. My BetterMe app has given me a water target to meet each day, based on a questionnaire that I filled out. The goal: 80 fluid ounces of water a day.

Week 1 Successes

I certainly started the week strong and made my goal the first few days. Knowing that I have to try and meet this goal each day really has made me more aware of how much water I’m having. I have been able to find different ways of drinking more water because there is no way I can drink 80 ounces of water just plain. Some ways that I have had more water is drinking my green drink which is greens powder, gut health and skin elixir from Arbonne. I don’t get a lot of fruits and vegetables everyday, so this helps make sure that I’m getting those vitamins still. I have also been adding my Arbonne EnergyFizz to one of my cups of water to replace coffee. And who doesn’t love a nice hot cup of tea on a cold winter morning? This is where the water challenge is going well.

Water Challenge Struggles

Two words for you: Night Shift. Currently I work 5 night shifts a week, which means I spend most of my days sleeping. This really does limit the amount of water I can drink. We all know that we drink more water when doing something active. My night shifts do not involve a lot of moving around, but more office work. I might drink 16 ounces of water, maybe more, during a night shift. However, then I sleep most of the day before I know it, I’m behind again. This is where I am struggling in my water challenge.

Seeing the Positives

It was pointed out to me, as I was feeling down, that I am still making my goal. The goal is to build a habit of drinking more water. I am drinking more water. So, even if I’m not meeting the goal set by the app, I am meeting my goal of drinking more water. Which means I’m winning at this water challenge in my way.

Can’t Give Up

Even though I am getting the win here, I can’t let up now. After all, this is a 6 week challenge and this is only week 1. This next week I want to find even more ways to make sure I’m drinking my water. I got a good start as I made myself lemon water and it was delicious. Perhaps I can try some more fruits as well with some of my frozen fruits. I will continue with what is working for me right now and keep aiming for meeting the daily goal. Making the app goal will still be what I aim for because I know it will help me with a challenge that I want to do later this year. Keeping that under wraps for now though.

Stay Hydrated my Friends

How about all of you? Are you someone who can easily drink enough water every day or do you struggle like me? And how many of you are trying to build a habit in 6 weeks? What have you decided to work on and how is it going? Did you come out of the gate swinging, or dragging your feet? It’s a new week so let’s start strong my friends and build those healthy habits. After all, anything can happen if we try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.