Walking Through the Valley

rural field with hoarfrost in thick haze

So, there has been a lot going on lately that has made life difficult. It feels like things are going from bad to worse some days. My debt isn’t going down as fast as I would like it to. I lost a friend. Work is hard with the countless night shifts. And, when I checked to see if I made my first $100 from blogging last month, I was crushed. I needed to have made $10, but I only made just over $1. That’s the lowest it’s been in a really long time. I’m walking through the valley, and trying to reach the mountaintop.

What valley?

Lots of Christians refer to a low time in life as the valley. You’re low, feel down, things just are not going the way that you want them to. Then we have the mountaintop which is when life is great. Everything seems to be going well, you’re joyful and feel like you’re riding a high on life, so to speak. Right now, I’m walking through the valley. Life is kinda down right now. It seems that no matter how hard I try, things just don’t go the way that I want them to. Maybe you can relate to this right now and are asking the same question I ask myself. What can I do about it? How can I get out of the valley?

Don’t lose hope

This can sound really hard to some of us. Things just seem hopeless right now. We are walking through the valley and can’t even see the mountain yet. It feels so far out of reach. I know; I’m right there with you. But we can’t lose hope. Hope keeps us going. It helps us put one foot in front of the other. Hope keeps our eyes searching for that mountaintop. And once we get a glimpse of it, hope will be renewed because we can see it. So, don’t lose hope.

Know you are not alone

That can be the hardest. We look around and see that everyone else seems to have it together. They’re living on their mountaintop and all is well. Careers, family, and health are all doing great. They don’t understand. Maybe some don’t, but think about it. They may have just finished walking through the valley, or maybe theirs is coming up. And we are so good at hiding things and deceiving others. Sometimes even ourselves. People ask how we are and we say fine, or good. Living my best life. These are the answers that everyone gives. But, what if we’re not? What if we told others that life is hard? How many do you think would say, “I can relate. This is what I’m going through.

don’t choose the easy out

Sometimes life presents us with an “easy” way out. This could look like so many different things, but I think that the number one way out people think of is suicide. If I’m not here, I don’t have to deal with this anymore. No one will notice; no one will care. That’s not true, and deep down we know that. Please, never give up. Don’t choose the easy out. There is help. There is hope. Walking through the valley can seem dark and full of despair, but you are not alone. I won’t get all preachy on you, but I will say that God is always with you. He holds out his hand and says, “Let me help you. I’ll walk with you.” And when you can’t walk anymore, he will carry you.

Keep heading for the mountaintop

Please, whatever you’re going through, do not give up. Do not lose hope that things will get better. There are so many help avenues. There are mental health crisis lines you can call. Maybe you have a friend that really cares about you and has no idea what you’re struggling with. Go talk to them. Talk to a pastor. Heck, send me a message if you just want someone to talk to. Sometimes a stranger is easier than the people we know. I’ll walk through the valley with you, even if I’m in my own valley. We will get through this, if we keep trying and do not give up.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.