Stranger – Chapter 13

silhouette of man standing under lamp post

Hey everyone. Sorry for the late post. My week was a bit of a wreck. I spent the night on Wednesday in the ER. By the morning, the doctors were finally able to tell me what was going on. Apparently I had kidney stones. Let me tell you, it was not fun. Anyway, it set my whole week back and I just did not have time on Saturday to write and post the new chapter. So, you get it today. I will still release a blog tomorrow as well. I want to get back on track. Now, with that out of the way let’s get into Chapter 13, Stranger.


Adam closed his door and yawned as he crossed the room to his bed. Avery and her family were wonderful and they had taken him in without complaint. Both of Avery’s parents had readily agreed that Adam was no bother, and they insisted that he stay as long as he needed. Mrs. Burming had confirmed that she was in the military before Avery was born. She still kept a Baretta M9 close to hand. Adam took one look at her and knew she would know exactly how to use it if needed.

Exhausted, Adam changed into sweats and a t-shirt, used the guest bathroom to brush his teeth, and collapsed into bed. The sleep that he craved eluded him as questions surrounding his parents swirled around his head. Hearing his phone vibrate, he glanced over. No caller id. He was about to roll over and ignore it when he remembered the mysterious caller that Avery had talked about. Grabbing his phone, he answered it.


Daniel and Nancy pulled up to the house. The lights were all out and it seemed quiet.

“I guess Adam is asleep.” Quietly the two entered the house, Nancy going over to Adam’s bedroom. “Daniel!” He ran over. The room looked completely ransacked and there was no sign of their son. Pulling out his phone, he quickly found the contact he was looking for.

“What did you do with my son, you bastard!”

“Calm down. What are you talking about? I haven’t touched the boy.” Nancy grabbed the phone from her husband.

“My son is missing and his room has been tossed. And don’t you dare say it’s because he’s messy. Adam’s room has never been this bad. What did you do?” The person on the other end of the phone sighed.

“I’m telling you, I did not take your son. The police probably have him. I’ll ask around and see if anyone knows exactly where he is. Have you tried calling him.” Daniel and Nancy shared a look. “Your silence tells me what I need to know. Call your son. Let me know if the police don’t have him and he doesn’t answer his cell.”


“Hello? Who is this?”

“Hello Adam. I know you, but to you, I am but a stranger. I won’t bother introducing myself. I’m calling you with a warning. You are in danger.” Adam sat up. This stranger didn’t sound like he could be the same one that talked to Avery. His voice wasn’t raspy.

“Are you the reason my parents have disappeared?” The silence on the other end caused Adam to double check that the call hadn’t dropped. “Hello?”

“Adam, I am not your enemy. Your parents are not who you think. Stay away from them. As soon as I can, I will come for you. I’ll keep you safe, but for now I have to stay away. Keep yourself safe Adam.” Before Adam could ask any other questions the stranger hung up the phone. Adam stared at his phone in disbelief. Who was this guy? Why would he tell him to stay away from his parents? Laying down he was about to try and fall asleep when his phone started vibrating again. Groaning he looked over at his phone before grabbing it and sitting up.



The phone rang and the man answered it.


“We have a problem. The Ness boy, is he secure?” The man glanced out of his car window towards the house.

“Lights went out in his room about ten minutes ago. The whole house seems quiet.”

“Keep a close eye on him. We lost track of his parents. Guaranteed they will try to reach out to him. They might not know it, but they have put a target on their son. It’s your job to keep him alive, even if you have to kidnap him. Do you understand?”

“I understand.” The call ended and the man looked back at the house. Everything was spiralling out of control.

Stranger Danger?

Well, we certainly have opened up a can of worms here. So many new strangers and more puzzles to solve. Things certainly are getting interesting. I wonder what will happen next week. Well, I’ll see you all tomorrow. Take care my friends.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.