Starting Over – 75 Soft

woman exercising

As you may recall, last week I announced that I was starting over with my 75 Soft challenge. I’m still not perfect at it, but I have seen improvement and now I just need to keep that going. So, here is my new update on 75 Soft.

Starting Over Improvements

Do you know what helps improve your reading portion of the challenge? A really good book. The book I’m reading now is that book. So, reading has been going really well. Praying is still going strong, which is amazing. This is the only part I never dropped the ball on with the first attempt, so I am quite pleased with myself. The last area I have seen improvement is workouts. Since starting over I’ve been putting in a workout everyday, except for yesterday. I deemed that active rest day because I was busy running around doing other things. Today, I’m getting back at it. I forgot to take a progress shot yesterday. This is probably because I take these shots right after my workout, and I didn’t do one yesterday. Back at that today as well.

Still Struggling

Food and water has still been a struggle, even after starting over. A friend and I went for a walk this week and she asked if I knew why these areas were a struggle. I think I do. You see, I do love to cook, but I love to cook for others, not just myself. So, I don’t eat well when I’m not cooking or preparing an actual meal. Water – I simply forget about it. So, I have to get back on the ball with those because I have noticed that my body is reacting. When I eat well and drink enough water, my body works the way it’s supposed to. But, if I don’t, then I notice problems arise. Stomach problems, bloating, and constipation. If I plan to fix these problems, I need to get on the ball drinking enough water and eating better.

Plan for the Coming Week

Okay, so I want to make a plan, that way I have something to focus on. With workouts, I’ve been going through the 21 Day Tone challenge that was created by Cassey Ho, creator of Blogilates. I forgot how intense these were. So, I’m going to continue with those, and throw in some stretching and yoga videos as well. Reading and praying are covered. Progress shot comes after workouts, so done. Food – my goal is to work on switching my mindset. I want to change my mindset of “it’s just me, I don’t need to cook” to “I will cook for myself as an act of self love“. Hopefully that helps. Water, I’m not sure. Someone said I should set alarms to remind myself to drink, but that just seems annoying. Maybe I’ll fill enough cups to meet my water goal, and just have them around me so that I remember to drink. This will also stop the excuse of not wanting to refill my cup because I’m too lazy. All the water I need for the day is right there and available. That might work and make starting over successful.

Starting Over the Right Way

I need to start seeing myself as important. After all, I matter. My health matters and the best one to take care of me is me. So, I will do my best and will rise up. Life has been beating me down this year, and a great way to take care of myself and my mental health is to focus on self care. I love the way I feel when I’m eating right and working out. When I take care of myself, I see the difference. Now it’s time to focus on taking care of myself and turning this year around.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.