Fitness Journey 2024 – Week 1

Welcome to our newest edition to the regular blogs. Fitness Friday! Every Friday I will be posting some sort of update on my fitness journey. Once a month didn’t go very well for me, as many of you know. So, this year I decided to do it weekly. Now, I won’t talk about workouts all the time. Fitness Fridays will consist of 3 different things: my workout of the month, training for a 10k run (up till June when the run happens), and the food that I’m eating and enjoying. So, without further delay, let’s dive into my Fitness Journey 2024 – Week 1!

Workout of the month

January I have decided to take it easy. For those of you who have been with me a while, you’ll know that last year I hurt my ankle while training for my 10k. I still ran it, but I think I could have done better if my ankle had not been hurt. For those who are new to the blog and have not read that blog just yet, it was not a serious injury. It was a result of not properly stretching. So, before I start any crazy training, I want to make sure that I am in the habit of stretching properly. Thus, we are given my workout of the month: Yoga!

My Yoga fitness journey

My goal this month is to do some yoga every day. I started off simple with just a quick 5 minute video. The videos I mainly follow are Yoga with Adrienne. She started a 30-day yoga challenge and initially I was going to follow it. However, I knew that there were some days that I would not have time for a long video, so I have just been picking random videos from her. On Wednesday I went to a friend’s house and we did a yoga video led by Cassandra. Both of these women can be found on YouTube. This week has not been anything crazy as I wanted to ease into it.

Finding balance

I know myself enough to realise that I cannot, successfully, flip a switch. I am going to be trying to improve my eating habits, but there will be days where I will want a cookie, or candy, or some sort of junk food. That’s okay. The main thing I’ve learned in the past is that as soon as I tell myself I can’t have something; that’s the only thing I want and nothing else can measure up. For that reason, I’m reducing but not eliminating the amount of junk food I eat. I will slowly increase the amount of healthy foods I eat and hopefully I begin to crave those things more than the junk food. There is also no way I’m putting my workouts and diet above everything else. If my friends want to go out for burgers with me, I’m going out for burgers…..if I can afford it that is. More about that on Monday’s blog.

Starting fresh

It’s a new year and a new fitness journey. Last year I didn’t do well at all and some people even mentioned that to me. What was the point of writing blogs about how I didn’t succeed at something over and over? I suppose that is why I stopped. Some of you might be asking, what’s different this year? I don’t know how to explain it, but my motivation is very different this year. My determination to reach my goals is still strong, and I intend to use that. I wanted to add another weekly blog and this seemed like the best idea. It won’t be week after week of yoga updates. Perhaps next week I’ll share some of the food I’ve been trying. I’m very excited about a recipe that I’ll be trying out on Sunday. Keep an eye on my social media accounts; I’ll be posting a reel about it. Well, if all goes well.

Are you on a fitness journey?

I would love to hear from you. Are you trying a fitness journey this year? Or are you continuing the one you started last year? What sort of exercises do you enjoy doing? Are you a meal prep person or do you just eat what you feel like that day? Are there any Fitness YouTubers whose workouts you would like me to try for a month? Let’s see if we can grow the community here and let’s have a conversation in the comments about this. Maybe we do this fitness journey together and become the healthiest versions of ourselves, so far, this year. Who knows what could happen if we try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.

2 thoughts on “Fitness Journey 2024 – Week 1”

  1. Steph I love that even if you weren’t “successful “ you never give up. You get up and try again. That’s success. I’m on the fence but I need to get up too so maybe I’ll have to join you.
    All the best!

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