Family- Chapter 21

Chapter 21, Family, is going to bring us deeper into Adam’s past. So, I know you want to just get to the story and not listen to me ramble. So let’s get this intro done and dive in. Enjoy.


Drew pulled up to a rundown building, not nearly as nice as the Burma’s home. Mick stopped Adam from following Valerie and Drew.

“Let them check that the coast is clear first. We don’t want to put you in unnecessary danger if we don’t have to.” Adam watched as the two drew guns and went inside the building. All of this was beginning to become a bit much for him. He was beginning to wish he could go back to before he found everything out. Avery crossed his mind and he wondered how she was doing. Then it hit him.

“Mick, do you think my new friend Avery is going to be okay? I was at her place when Drew was watching me and I got picked up by my par-I mean Daniel and Nancy. Do you think Elijah will go after her and her family to try and get to me?” Mick sat silently for a while, pondering Adam’s question. Adam hoped for some good news.

“I don’t think he would go after them. There’s no way it would possibly benefit him. He would check to see if the two of you were in contact, but considering we left your phone and other things at the crash site, he should know that you’re not. Elijah is not one to jump to conclusions. He’s smart. That’s how he has stayed off the radar so long.” Adam sighed with relief. He wanted to let Avery know that he was alright, but not if it put her in danger.


After a while Valerie came back out of the house and waved to them. It was safe to come in. Mick and Adam grabbed the bags from the trunk and headed inside. The inside didn’t look much better than the outside. The paint was peeling off the walls and Drew was wiping cobwebs off the light that they had turned on. Valerie examined the fireplace in the living room.

“It should be safe to start a fire here. I’ll go outside and gather some wood. Why don’t you help me Mick? Adam, how about you figure out what we can make to eat?” Adam nodded and watched the two leave before turning to look through the bags. Drew sneezed as the dust flew around the room due to the sudden activity.

“Wow. We should maintain our safe houses a bit better.” He looked over and saw Adam just staring into the bag, not really seeing what he was looking at. “Hey kid, how are you holding up?” Adam looked at him, his expression telling Drew the answer.

“To be honest, Drew, I’m not doing well. I’m freaked out, scared, confused, angry and sad all at once. What do I do with all the information that has completely flipped my world upside down?” Drew wiped sweat from his brow.

“That is a good question, and one I don’t think any of us have the answer to. I don’t envy your position Adam. The only advice I can give is to move forward and stop looking back.” Adam sighed.

“How do I do that when my family isn’t who I thought, and my dad is the one hunting me?”


Elijah looked up as two men walked into the room. He had a prostitution house in the area and had decided to hide out there while he looked for his son.

“Anything?” The larger of the two men shook his bald head.

“Nothing. We had intel that they were at the Burma residence, but they must have heard we were in the area as well. The house was abandoned when we got there. Sorry boss.” Elijah rubbed his eyes, trying to remember the last time he had slept. Family could be so stressful.

“They must have lots of safe houses in the area. Gather some more men and find them.” The two men nodded and left the room. One of the women walked into the room.

“You seem tense. Maybe I can help?” Elijah smiled and motioned for her to join him on the bed.

“I think you can.”

Family Drama

Wow. I don’t know about you, but I’ll keep my family over this one any day. Elijah seems to be closing in on Adam and his rescuers. Stay tuned to find out if he catches up to the next week. Until then, have a great weekend everyone.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.