Choosing Positivity

photo of woman looking at the mirror

First, I want to apologise to all of you. Lately, my posts have been down in the dumps and negative. I’ve been in a bad head space lately, but that’s no excuse. So, today I have decided that I’m going to start choosing positivity and work on getting out of my negative rut.


Yes, my finance situation sucks and I have to do things I don’t want to do. I’ll be putting up all but one of my hockey jerseys for sale to make some extra money. Not my proudest moment, but once I’m in a better place, I can get jerseys again. The way I see it now, I can put a positive spin on this. Once I’m in a better financial place, I can update my jerseys. I have a Lowry jersey, but it’s from before he was made captain. There are other things I am going to temporarily sacrifice as well, but I know that it is for the best in the long run.

Making the Best

Choosing positivity means that I have to make the best of the situation that I’m in. I know I need more hours at work, but I’m having trouble finding them. Well, I can take advantage of the fact that I work lots of nights and do something with that. I can put in some extra hours over night. There’s always something that I can clean, right? I can also take advantage of the night shifts to work on more blogs. Maybe I’ll actually write blogs ahead of time and not feel so rushed the day of.

Better Myself

What better way of choosing positivity? This is the time to work on myself and work on becoming the best version of myself. Now, I’m not just talking about fitness and eating better. No, I mean working on the inside as well. There are certain things I don’t like about myself. I have learned that some of these things are symptoms of ADHD, but that doesn’t mean I have to just live with it. This is the perfect time to take a close look at myself and figure out how to improve. It drives me crazy that I can’t keep my space clean. Why not use this time to work on improving that? I think I’m lazy and unmotivated. How do I change that? One thing at a time, but I can do better and be better.


Then we have my secret projects that I want to work on. My goal is to work on them a lot more in the following year. There is one of these projects that has really been on my mind lately and I’m really excited to see if I can make it happen. Yes, this does mean I’ll be busier, but let’s be honest. My spare time lately has been a lot of media. Perhaps I’ll make another blog of favourite shows. Oh, maybe I’ll do one on movies I enjoy too. Who knows.

Choosing Positivity

I really hope that this is the start of the end of negative blogs. Choosing positivity will be good for my mental health as well. Instead of feeling hopeless I can feel hopeful. Plus, I have a goal in sight and I’m not prepared to let it go. No matter what it takes, I want to blog about a Raleigh trip next winter. Wish me luck. And remember, you can help. Read my blogs, share them with others, and if you feel like it, buy Arbonne from me. Hmm, I should do another Arbonne product review. There is a sale going on right now, so I’ll put my link below and you can check it out if you like. What about you? Do you find yourself being more negative? Are you choosing positivity? Let me know and let’s end this year on a positive note. After all, anything can happen if we try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.