Born For Death – A Book Review

book on a white wooden table

I finished my 3rd book of my book challenge. This is going a bit slower than I anticipated. If I’m going to read 50 books this year, I better get moving. I haven’t even started my 4th book yet. Aiming to start that one today. However, first let’s review the book I did read – Born For Death.

What Born for Death is About

Born for Death is the second book in the series Society of Immortals. We continue from where we left off in the first book as our main characters deal with what happened at the end of the first book, Cursed Seed. In the second book we also start to get a bit more clarity on certain events and how they transpired, as well as meet new characters that bring more complexity to the story.

What I Liked

A lot actually. This book was a much easier read than its predecessor. Cursed seed started slow and then gained momentum near the end. Born for Death just took that momentum and ran with it. There was so much growth in the characters as you watch them overcome their inner demons. They even begin to learn more about themselves and what they are capable of. Especially one character in particular. Going back and fourth in the time line was also a lot easier to follow this time around. What else can I say without spoiling it? It had lovable characters, a great story line, growth in a realistic way, and kept you wanting to read more. I was actually surprised when I reached the end, and then I was sad because I don’t have the third book.

Problems with Born for Death

There wasn’t much that I had a problem with in this book. The author definitely has a great vocabulary, and much bigger than mine. There were some things that I read and went “huh?” However, someone else might read it with ease and know what all the complex words mean without googling it. That’s just a personal preference though. There was the odd editing error that I found, but that’s more on the editor than the author. And they didn’t take away from the story. Again, just a personal thing that I notice since I’m editing one of my books right now before I go looking for an editor.

Overall Thoughts

I enjoyed this book and I look forward to reading the third book. I believe the third book is the final of the series, or I guess trilogy if that’s the case. However, I would have to double check on that. I’m hoping to save up some money to buy the third book. This way I have it, and I get to support a friend at the same time. I would recommend this book, with the disclaimer that there are some more gore scenes in the book. If you don’t like gore, you might not like this book. But, I don’t want to say too much more because I don’t want any of my reviews to contain spoilers.

Onto the Next Book

The next book on the shelf is one that I have no idea why I bought it. Not the same author. This one I bought a few years ago, started to read, and didn’t like it. Maybe things will change. I do have to get back on 75 Soft and read 10 pages a day, so maybe that will help me get through it. When I get through it, I’ll let you know my thoughts. Maybe it’s better than I remember? Or maybe it’s one of those books that you have to push past the boring part to get to the good part. I suppose we will find out. Anything can happen, but I need to read the book.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.

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