Thinking Ahead

white paper with note

Today I woke up and I was immediately stressed out about finances. Not the way one wants to wake up. It got me thinking. How can I improve my financial situation? I’m already moving into the hotel to save money. Then I thought, well I can’t make another blog where I’m complaining about my finances and stressing about them. So, I started thinking ahead to what I could do and, I have to say, I’m excited.

Hotel Hours

Well, I can’t do much about the hotel hours. How many hours I work, as well as everyone else, is strongly based on how busy the hotel is. So, I will do what I can to advertise the hotel and make us the choice when visiting Steinbach. We actually have something really exciting going on at the end of the month. I’ll put the link below so that you can look at it. Who knows, maybe I’ll see you there. Myself and the other assistant manager are basically on all weekend. Should be fun, but exhausting. I’m already thinking ahead to what else we could do to bring more business to the hotel.


This has proven to be a bit harder to make money than I originally thought. However, I will not give up. It takes a while to build a following on anything, so I am going to try and be patient. And to be honest, I love blogging. I never thought I would enjoy something so much. Thinking ahead, I already know what I want to do next year to make the blogs a bit more exciting. Hopefully this will help grow my following. I could use your help with the following part. If you like my blogs, why not share them on your socials? Follow the blogs social media accounts and share your favourite blog posts so that others can check them out. I honestly want to get the blog to a point where I have enough followers to do giveaways around the holidays, or just for fun. With that being said, that brings me to another idea.

Merchandise Sales

Now, I’ll be honest. This idea is both exciting and terrifying at the same time. I would love to sell things with my logo, or my motto, on them. Wouldn’t it be cool to get a hoodie that says “Anything can happen if we try” on it? Or maybe a hat with my cute cat logo on it? I even saw an ad for something today that made me excited. I wanted to look into the project and slap my logo on it. Sorry, not going to tell you just yet what that is, because I want to research it a bit more. However, it does excite me to just have the idea. Thinking ahead to different merchandise, what would you be interested in seeing my logo on? Maybe a coffee cup so you can drink your morning coffee while reading a blog? Now there’s an idea.


I am still determined to write novels and publish them. That is a dream that I am not ready to part with. It’s just a lot of work. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that. What I really need to do is buckle down and instead of spending hours watching reruns of TV shows, work on my writing. The tricky part with that is getting into the right head space. After all, when one has many writing projects bouncing around in their heads, you need to make sure you’re focusing on the right one. It would be weird to start working on my novel for publication and then suddenly it veers into the novel I’m writing on my blog. They are two different genres after all. Perhaps I could also sell my novels on this site. We’ll see.

Secret Projects

That’s right. I have some secret projects that I’m keeping under wraps, for now. Yes, one of these projects is the one I mentioned in the Merchandise Sales portion of this blog. However, there is another one I have started, but I have not told anyone about it yet. Honestly, I will be surprised if I can keep it a secret. I love to tell people about my ideas. Why keep it a secret? Great question. This may come from my own insecurities and lack of belief in myself. I really don’t like sharing projects that I want to try and then tell people it’s been trashed. This probably stems from a memory I have. I told some people, a few years back, about a dream that I was chasing. I was hoping for some encouragement, or maybe even questions showing interest. Instead, they changed the subject, completely disregarding me.

Thinking Ahead with Hope

So, because of that experience, I don’t really like sharing my hopes and dreams. Well, not all of them. But God has been good. I do now have people in my life who do encourage me in my hopes and dreams. They ask questions, even followup questions. I’m extremely thankful for them. Will I tell them about my secret projects? Maybe. After all, I would love to surprise them. One of my projects I know I will keep under wraps for a long time. The main reason for that: I am unsure about it. It scares me, which makes me think that I should do it. I guess we will see what happens. After all, we all know that anything can happen if we try. Oh, before I forget, here is the link to the event happening at the hotel.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.