What Do I Write

photo of person writing on notebook

So, today is one of those days where I’m just not sure what to write. Every idea that came to mind didn’t have enough depth. I could maybe get a paragraph or two out of them. And then there are some blog ideas that come to mind, but they’re more for the future. I am looking forward to writing them. But, that leaves me with, what do I write today?

I Could Write…

I could write a blog about some of the upcoming blogs. But, I realise that I did that once and then completely forgot about that list and didn’t follow through. Terrible blogging on my part. And I want to level up my blogging, which means that I do need to start writing what I say I’ll write. There was someone who wanted more recipes but I’m not really doing any cooking right now. That will be changing soon, hopefully. I’ve completely dropped fitness Friday because I have not been working out, other than a walk once a week with a friend.

Right Now

You guys, right now, as I write this blog, the moment is perfect. I’ve got some music playing, a warm cup of tea, and both my cats are near. Marshall just walked over and curled up against my leg and is now napping with his head on my knee. This moment is why I write. I want more perfect moments like this. Just peaceful and cozy and me doing what I love – writing. Honestly, I’m not writing anything in particular in this blog, but that’s okay. That’s life and this is Life With Stephanie

Should I Write

Should I write another story on my blog? Release a chapter a week? The first story I put on here was good. A lot of you liked it. I apologise for the second one and the failure that it was. It was birthed from an idea I had years ago and never put to paper. Now I know why. But maybe I have a fun idea rooting around in my brain for a blog story. I’ll have to do some brain storming about that.

I Need to go Back

I think I need to go back to how I used to write. Certain styles of blogs on certain days. When I was doing Fitness Friday and Story Saturday I knew what I was writing. There was no head scratching. I need to find a theme or something. The idea that I should do Book Reviews every Monday or Wednesday crossed my mind. It would certainly help me with my goal if I was forced to read faster. Perhaps I will give that a go?

Continue to Write

A few months back I was wrestling with the idea of continuing my blogging. Would I keep going next year or not. I’ve decided I will. Yes, I got my first payout from blogging, which is amazing, but that’s not the reason. I truly do love blogging. In the future I’m hoping to be able to just focus on my writing. To continue blogging and begin my journey as an author. In fact, I found a whole YouTube community of authors and I’ve been learning a lot from them. Lots of them are newer authors, like myself. There’s a lot of work to publishing a book, and I need to start getting on top of that if I ever hope to publish. After all, anything can happen if I try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.