Water Street – Newfoundland – Part 2

I want to tell you about our first experiences in Newfoundland. What we did, and saw. I won’t go into too much detail about what we ate as I’ll be doing a blog on restaurants and food on its own. So, let’s keep this introduction short and let me tell you about a lovely place called Water Street.

The start of day 1
Rosie and I about to eat breakfast

After a good night’s sleep, Rosie and I were ready to have our first breakfast in Newfoundland. We found a restaurant nearby and headed over and enjoyed a delicious breakfast. We asked our server, who was more than happy to tell us about the area, where she recommended we go. She gave us a list of places that she thought we would like, one of them was a beach. Since it was a beautiful day, we decided that we would check it out. We headed back to our Vrbo and changed into swimsuits, plugged in the address and headed out.

A slight hiccup

Remember how I said that it was a nice day? Yeah, we got to the beach and there was no parking. People were even parked all up and down the road. This was Middle Cove Beach. There was another beach nearby called Outer Cove Beach, but we couldn’t find it. Turns out it was down a steep road and we were not ready to take our rental car down there. We did stop at Middle Cove Lookout and took some pictures. The view was absolutely stunning. I will add that we did discover later on that Middle Cove Beach was not really a swimming beach, but more on that in a different blog.

Me at Middle Cove Lookout
Plan B
Middle Cove look out view

Seeing as we could not find a beach nearby, we headed back to our Vrbo and changed. We looked up some other places and decided that we had heard so much about George Street, so we would give that a shot. We plugged it in and off we went. Parking was a bit stressful, but we were able to get a spot close to where we wanted to go. We were excited and started walking the street. Wait, I thought this was titled Water Street? I’m getting there. We had aimed for George Street, but we realised that we were actually on Water Street. (We did discover later that George Street was just a street over).

Water Street

So, what makes a street so special? I’m glad you asked. George and Water Street are filled with pubs and shops and they block the area off so that traffic can’t go through at certain times. You can go inside, or most places have patios that you can sit on. You can order a drink, a meal, or go into a lot of the small local shops and get souvenirs. Rosie and I walked the street for a bit before picking a place to grab a drink and something to eat. We actually came back to this street a few times and tried different places. It had a small town feel in a big city, well at least to me.

Wrapping up Day 1

After filling up on some delicious food and having a drink we headed back to our home away from home. We spent the rest of the evening in and watched some movies on Netflix before heading to bed. We did some other things throughout the day like buying some groceries and just having some down time. There was no rush to get everything in. After all, we were on vacation. Our goal was to enjoy ourselves and see what we could, do what we could, and not feel rushed or pressured to just go.

So, that was day 1. I’m sure I forgot some things, but that just means they didn’t make that much of an impact. And you’ll just have to keep following along to see what else we got up to. Until next time remember, anything can happen if you try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.