Teddy and Marshall

It’s been a while since I shared about my two boys. Teddy and Marshall are both the joys of my life and the bane of my existence. Mainly when they want food. Teddy is adamant that when he wants food, he wants food NOW! So, let me share a bit on how they are doing and how they have adapted to living in a hotel room.

The Suite Life of Teddy and Marshall

I’m actually quite happy with how well they have adapted to living in the hotel. At the beginning they jumped at every strange sound. Which was essentially every sound. If I left the room and came back they would run and hide until they realised it was just me. However, they now barely flinch at the sounds of hotel life. They’ll raise their heads from their naps if they hear someone right outside my door. Sometimes Marshall will even venture to the door to make sure no one is coming in. The boys are not as scared of new or regular visitors anymore either.

The Downside

As large as the hotel rooms are, it is just a hotel room. This means the boys do not have a lot of space to run around. That coupled with lots of naps and too much food has made them quite chunky. This is especially bad for dear Baby Marshall because of his hip dysplasia. The last time I was at the vet he did say that the boys do need to lose a bit of weight. Because there isn’t a lot of space to run and play that means one thing. The boys are on a diet and we are all suffering.

Cat Parents Know

If you’re a cat mom, or cat dad, you know what I mean. At first I cut one of the meals out and we went from three meals a day to two. However, one day I took a look at how much I had programmed their feeders to feed them and realised that I was still over feeding them. Being the lazy person I am, instead of reprogramming the feeders like a normal person, I unplugged them and went back to giving them food myself. This has helped reduce the amount of food that they eat. But, consistency is hard. I’m certainly going to attempt to reprogram the feeders this weekend. Because having Teddy wake me up at four or five in the morning for breakfast is not fun.

Teddy and Marshall

One of the other things I have noticed in both boys is their almost constant need to be by my side, or at least near me. There are many times when I’m in bed and they are snuggled up on either side of me. Like right now for example. Teddy has just come over and joined. Marshall on one side, Teddy on the other. Both of them wanting attention. It’s always when my hands are busy. When I’m reading a book, or writing a blog, that is when the boys especially want all the pets and snuggles. I do love the time I get when the three of us just snuggle up in bed and either nap, or the boys nap and I do what I need to do.

Hope for the Future

I do hope I can find my own place soon, so that the boys have more space to run and play. Honestly, I think the boys would love that. Being cooped up in one space all the time is boring for them. But, the space outside these four walls is terrifying to them, so there is no hanging out outside for these felines. I tried that once, before moving to the hotel, and it was a bad day for all and I got peed on. So, we don’t force the fresh air anymore. But if I can get an apartment with a balcony, perhaps they will enjoy sunning themselves and people watching in the summer. Anything can happen, if I can get my own place.


Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.

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