Sunday School – A Teacher’s Perspective

children sitting on chairs in front of table with art materials

Years ago I was contemplating becoming a teacher. Someone asked me if I even liked kids. My answer then; I don’t know. They encouraged me to try kids ministry and it’s the best decision I’ve ever made. Being a Sunday School Teacher is one of the greatest blessings in my life. Let me share why, and share some stories. I’ve got more than one blog can contain.

Starting out

When I first joined the children’s ministry at Southland Church, I had no idea what I was in for. I remember being really nervous. Those soon went away as I played with the kids, helped the leader with the table group stuff, and encouraged the kids to worship during worship. I was surprised at how much fun I had. I joined as a regular table leader right away and they gave me a table that didn’t have consistency. These were the visitors, or kids who didn’t have a regular group yet. I loved it. Soon after, they gave me a table of regular girls. These girls were regular attendees and I got to know them really well and formed some great connections.

Growing in my role

I enjoyed being a table leader, getting to know my group each year, and connecting with the parents. I made it my mission to make my table a place where everyone enjoyed coming each week. Soon after, I dipped my toe in worship. At Southland they called it action praise. We basically sang along to a soundtrack and did actions. It didn’t take long before I was hooked on that as well. I often told people there was nothing more rewarding than standing on stage and watching the kids sing their hearts out for Jesus. Again, I was happy with these two roles. The next thing I knew, I was being asked to teach the large group lessons as the Sunday school teacher.

Leading Worship at Camp

Becoming a Sunday school teacher

I still remember being asked to teach and growing increasingly nervous. Becoming a school teacher was no longer something I was interested in, but I loved being with the kids at church. I didn’t think I had the ability to teach the kids. However, I agreed to try it and gave it my all. At the beginning, the lessons were simple. I was encouraged by the other Sunday school teachers, the leaders, and my leaders. I fell in love with teaching, or so I thought. Soon the lessons became a bit more than just telling a bible story. I struggled with those lessons and was soon taken off the teaching rotation. Don’t get me wrong, I was disappointed in myself, but I knew it was for the best. So, I grew as a worship leader and a table leader. Before I knew it, I was in leadership and oversaw leaders.

The blessings

I would say the greatest blessing, or the greatest reward, is seeing kids excited to come to church. I would see these kids every week and get to know them. They knew that I cared, and when I was able I went the extra mile for them. I remember one year I got my group all matching shirts. They were so excited and begged to wear them right then and there. I also made it a bit of a tradition to draw their favourite cartoon characters. Some were easier than others. The kids were always so excited to get their drawings. The hugs, the smiles, the laughter are only a few of the rewards I got as a leader.

The struggles

Now, don’t get me wrong. There were struggles. After all, we are talking about children, and they can misbehave. For some kids it was an attitude adjustment that was needed. Others just needed to be coaxed out of their shells. I remember having one girl who cried the first day and begged her mom to take her home. We were able to convince her to stay and she had a blast. When her mom came to pick her up, she was begging to stay. Not all were that quick, some took a few weeks. However, I soon figured out that if I could get a child to smile, I could get them to enjoy church and they would want to come back. I am so thankful for that gift.

Finding Sunday School

The pandemic took away the chance to continue with children’s ministry for a while. Things changed at Southland and I no longer felt that it was the church for me. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still an amazing church. I just felt called away. I soon started attending Calvary Church. At the time I was dating and we both wanted to get involved in the church. We joined the welcome ministry. The first day I remember feeling awkward and not really sure what to do. Then I met a mother who was there for the first time and she felt completely lost. I helped her, going the extra mile to walk her to the children’s area after worship. Once up there, I ended up trying to help others as well, even though I didn’t know the area. It was as I was walking back to the sanctuary that I knew; I needed to join the children’s ministry.

Back in Sunday School

I spoke to the leader of the welcome ministry and he introduced me to the leader of the children’s ministry. Soon I joined and became a Sunday School teacher for the grade 1 children. It is different from Southland’s children’s ministry, but I still love it. I had a break over the summer and this Sunday will be my first weekend back. The excitement is growing with each day. I can’t wait to meet the kids and grow friendships with them. There are just times when you know you are meant for something and I know I was meant to be in children’s ministry. I love being a Sunday School teacher and I’m so thankful that I can do this again this year. Who knows what will happen, but anything can happen if we try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.

2 thoughts on “Sunday School – A Teacher’s Perspective”

    1. Thank you Geralyn. That means a lot. I absolutely love being a Sunday school teacher and I hope to keep going for many years.

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