Morning Star

photo of moon

So, first I want to say that I was wrong. In my last blog I said I was reading the last book in a series and it was taking so long to finish. Well, that series I thought was just a trilogy. I was wrong. Turns out there are seven books to this series, so I guess I have some more reading to do. But, Morning Star is done and here are my thoughts on it.

Morning Star Summary

Morning Star is the third instalment of the Red Rising Saga by Pierce Brown. We continue where we left off in Golden Son, which I can’t tell you in too much detail because it would spoil the ending of Golden Son. Our main character is reunited with friends and they work towards their end goal – eliminating the Sovereign and starting a new beginning for all colours. I do believe that this was originally supposed to be the end of the story. But, Pierce decided he wasn’t done and wrote 4 more. Like Red Rising and Golden Son, the book is filled with death, betrayal and enough plot twists to give you whip lash.


I really did enjoy the story as I was reading it. My reading slump just seemed to make me read it slower. There are some characters that I just absolutely love and we get to see more growth in them. Darrow, our main guy, does have to prove himself to some people. But loyal friends are a treasure and are worth looking for. Especially in this world. As I mentioned, there are a lot of plot twists. However, I don’t think that it was overdone, but just the right amount. Some I saw coming from a mile away, while others left my head spinning.


Maybe this is just because of my reading slump. The book just felt too long. Compared to books 1 and 2, Morning Star was a thicker book. Do I feel like there are things that could have been left out? Nothing that comes to mind. But I did find, by chapter 47, that I wished the book was done. I am certain that this is because of the slump though and the fact that I just wanted to watch Ninja Turtles or go driving, rather than the story. Like I said, I enjoyed the story while I was reading it. But, I had no problem putting it down either.

Morning Star Rating

I gave Morning Star a 4 star rating. Pierce Brown has this way of writing characters to make you love or hate them. I was talking to a friend and said that if she ever decided to read this series she shouldn’t get attached to the characters. You never know who will live and who will die. Or who will stay dead, apparently. It’s not a 5 star because, like I mentioned, I had no problem putting the book down after a few chapters. A 5 star should be a book that you don’t want to put down. However, Morning Star was enjoyable and I am intrigued to see how the story continues in the 4th book. Especially because Morning Star seemed to end on a perfect note.

What’s Next

I will not be diving into the 4th book right away. Honestly, I need a bit of a break from this world. So, I’m diving back into Orphan X. It’s been too long. After returning Morning Star to the library I did pick up 3 more books to keep me going after my current Orphan X read. One of those books is the 4th book in the Red Rising Saga. Not sure if I’ll read that next. But, I need your help. What other book series should I be tackling? I’m thinking the Bourne Series, and Dexter Series. What do you think? I’ve also discovered that Gregg Hurwitz has other series other than Orphan X. So, those are obviously going to be on the list. Maybe I can still reach my 50 books this year, goal. Anything can happen, if I try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.