More Questions – Chapter 6

close up photo of woman with black and purple eye shadow

Hey everyone. Sorry that the blogs are starting to come later in the day. Getting up in the mornings is still a struggle, even though I’m excited about my blogs. I’m working on it. Today, the goal is to write a longer chapter, so let’s see what I can do. Prepare for More Questions.

More Questions

Adam fought back a yawn, standing up to stretch his long frame. Looking over at the clock he was surprised to see that they had been researching towns for two hours, stopping only to use the bathroom, or purchase an energy drink at the cafe. Looking over at Avery he could tell she was just as worn out.

“How about we take a break and grab some lunch?” Avery looked up from the computer screen, blinking life back into her dark eyes.

“That sounds like a great idea. I think a walk after, to get the cramps out, will do a world of good too.” The two logged off the library computers before heading to the cafe and grabbing a couple of sandwiches and sodas.


The library felt stuffy and the sun was shining, so the two headed out to the park and picked a picnic table in the shade of a large oak. They ate mostly in silence, making small talk occasionally as people walked by. Avery couldn’t help but chuckle as two joggers went by. Adam raised an eyebrow, blue eyes questioning.

“What?” Avery gulped the last of her soda before answering.

“All the looks we’re getting. People must think that we are on the worst date ever or something.” Adam chuckled, crumpling up his sandwich wrapper.

“I can see that. Seen anyone from school? I think we would have more to be worried about then.” Avery glanced past him.

“Tyler and his friends are headed over right now.” Adam groaned. Tyler was the bully he had an altercation with on the first day of school. He really didn’t want a rematch. Not now anyway. Avery stood up. “Let’s go. He looks like he wants to pick a fight.” The two stood up, tossing their garbage in a nearby can.

“Where are you off to in such a hurry, dweeb?” Tyler stepped in their path, his friends starting to form a circle around Adam and Avery. Normally Adam would not entertain bullies and just start punching. However, he was not alone and he didn’t want Avery to get hurt because of him.

“Tyler, I’m really not in the mood to get in a fight today. How about tomorrow? I’ll even let you get in the first punch. Sound good?” Tyler laughed.

“How about I just beat the crap out of you right here and now?” Avery was pushed to the side and two boys grabbed Adam. Tyler’s fist quickly connected with Adam’s stomach, knocking the wind out of him.


Daniel pulled his phone out of his pocket as it rang, glancing at the caller id.

“Hey boss, I need to take this. Be back in five.” Without waiting for a reply, he exited the garage and answered the phone. “Yes sir?”

“We have a problem. I will need your help dealing with it.” Daniel ran a greasy hand through his hair.

“When? I’ll have to give Adam a convincing story. He’s already asking a lot more questions.” A sigh sounded on the other end.

“Think of something quickly. I need you here tonight!”


Avery knelt beside Adam, wiping blood from his face with a tissue from her bag. Tyler and his friends had dragged Adam into a wooded area of the park, out of sight. There they had used him as a punching bag, two boys always holding him back so he couldn’t defend himself. Avery had gone after them, yelling for help and trying to make them stop. One of the boys, Bradley, had turned and punched her in the face, warning her to shut up. Once Adam lost consciousness, the boys had lost interest and left. Bradley had struck her one more time, threatening to do a lot worse if she told anyone. Adam started to stir and she sighed with relief.

“Adam? Hey, are you with me?” His left eye was swollen shut, but his right eye opened and burned with anger.

“Who hit you?” Avery managed a laugh as she helped him sit up and lean against a nearby tree.

“Don’t worry about it. We need to get you to a hospital. Do you think you can stand?” Adam gently took her hand.

“Avery, I’m sorry. They hurt you because of me.” She shook her head, blinking when the motion made her dizzy. Bradley must have hit her harder than she thought.

“No, they hit me because I was trying to call for help.” Painfully, the two stood up, Adam leaning on Avery. As they exited the woods two cops rushed over. Apparently someone had heard Avery and called for help.

“Are you two okay? What happened?” Avery stumbled and the cops leapt forward. One caught Adam as he fell, the other steadied her. “Let’s get you to a hospital first. We can call your parents from there before we ask more questions.”


“I’m sorry, but your dad isn’t answering our calls.” Adam reached for his backpack, grimacing in pain. Apparently he had two cracked ribs and a concussion. They wouldn’t tell him if Avery was okay. Digging through his bag he pulled out his cell phone and looked at his text messages.

“Apparently he left town to pick something up for the garage. It’s fine. I’ll just wait for him at home.” The doctor shook his head, stepping forward to stop Adam from leaving the bed.

“You have a concussion. That means you need someone to watch over you. If your dad isn’t home you will need to stay the night here under observation.” Adam lay back, not feeling well enough to argue. He merely nodded and the doctor left the room. Closing his eyes, Adam let the question flow through his mind. Even if his dad was running errands he would answer his phone. Why not this time? A knock on the door caused him to open his eyes. The left eye was still quite swollen and he couldn’t fully open it. Avery walked over.

“Hey, how are you feeling?” Adam managed a smile, though he couldn’t stop the guilt that flooded over him. She had a black eye forming and a split lip. A bruise was forming on her cheek as well. All because she had been with him. “Adam?”

“I’m fine. How about you?” She perched on the side of his bed, tucking her brown hair behind her ear.

“Better than you. Did you get a hold of your dad?” He shook his head.

“No. He isn’t answering his phone. I’ll keep trying though. He has more questions to answer now.”

Even more questions

Oh man. Where is Daniel? Why is he really not answering the phone? Who was the guy on the phone? So many more questions with this chapter. I am excited for next week’s chapter. Until then, I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and I will see you all Monday.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.