Missing – Chapter 2

Hey everyone. I’m back with the next chapter. I hope you enjoyed the first one. Thank you to those who gave feedback. I will try to take those into consideration. Short intro done, let’s dive into Chapter 2: Missing.


Adam ran down the street as fast as his legs could carry him. The girl from school had told him the diner was closed five years ago due to drug activity. They never opened a new one, worried that the same thing would happen again. The bar was easier to control. The guy who owned it was a hard nosed man who didn’t tolerate anyone disrespecting his business. Even bar fights were uncommon. Why would his mom lie about where she got a job? Did his dad lie as well? Finally the garage came into sight. Slowing to a fast walk, Adam tried to catch his breath as he entered. One of the mechanics looked up from the car he was working on.

“Can I help you boy?” Adam walked over to him.

“I’m looking for my dad. His name is Daniel, Daniel Ness.” The mechanic pointed to a pair of legs sticking out from the bottom of another car and Adam thanked him before walking over. “Dad?” Daniel rolled out from under the car, a grease smudge on his face. His dark brown eyes looked surprised to see him.

“Adam? What are you doing here?” Adam looked around. None of the other mechanics seemed to be paying any attention to them.

“It’s mom. I think something is wrong. She’s missing!”

“Adam, I’m telling you that you’re overreacting. I’m sure your mom is fine. She didn’t lie.” Adam turned in his seat to face his father. Daniel had talked to his boss after Adam told him what he had learned about the diner in town. He had been given permission to leave work an hour early, got Adam and the two were driving home in his truck now. Adam kept insisting that something was wrong.

“Dad, how can you say that? There is no diner in town. If there is no diner, how did mom get a job at a diner? Why isn’t she answering her phone?” Daniel sighed as they pulled into the driveway.

“Look Adam. I’m sure your mom is just busy and lost track of time. There is a small town about five miles away. That’s where she is working because this town didn’t have one. I’m certain that we told you this yesterday.” Adam looked at his father in disbelief.

“No, you failed to mention that. If I had known that, I wouldn’t have been freaking out!” He got out of the truck, slamming the door behind him. “I hate this. Why won’t you both just tell me what the hell is going on? Why do we have to keep moving? Why are you and mom so cryptic all the time? I want answers.” Daniel walked him into the house.

“You need to learn to respect us.” Adam looked like he was about to interject when his father held up a hand, silencing him. “Adam, your mother and I have told you that we move because of work. As soon as work starts slowing down, we go looking for more. Now, go to your room and work on your homework. I’ll make some supper and your mom should be home by then. This conversation is over.” Adam stared at his dad in disbelief. “Now!” Turning on his heel, Adam headed to his room, slamming his bedroom door and throwing his backpack across the room. He hated this. Why were his parents like this?

Adam lay on his bed, staring up at his ceiling in the darkness. His mother had not returned. She still was not answering her phone calls or returning his text messages. His dad still insisted she was not missing. They had argued again over supper and Daniel had sent him to his room. They didn’t speak until Daniel popped his head in and told Adam to go to bed because it was late. Adam looked at the time on his cell phone. It was after midnight. He had not heard his mom come home yet and he was beginning to wonder why his dad was acting like everything was fine. Had his dad done something to his mom? No! That idea seemed ridiculous. There was one thing he was certain of. His parents were madly in love with each other. It was disgusting to him sometimes. So, why was his dad not worried? Was he overreacting? Maybe she was fine and had been in contact with his dad. Perhaps her phone was dead. Adam rolled over and closed his eyes, trying to sleep. Why couldn’t he shake the feeling that something was wrong?

Blood ran down her fingers as she desperately clawed at the wood. She needed to get out of his box before he came back. What did he want with her? Who was he? She had to get out. Escape was the only option. She had to get out!

Until next time

So, that was this week’s chapter. Someone mentioned that I should have a bit of an ending after each chapter, so I’ll give it a try. Let me know what you think. Will Adam’s mom be found, or still missing? Who is the woman in the box? Stay tuned until next week. Maybe we’ll find out.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.

2 thoughts on “Missing – Chapter 2”

    1. Lol I guess so. And I haven’t been listening to it for a while. Need to start up again.

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