Let it Go

To all of you who now have the song from the movie “Frozen” in your head now, I’m sorry. Don’t worry, this is not a review of that movie. It’s been a long time since I wrote a mental health blog, so it’s about time to do another one. There are things that weigh us down, hurt us, and are just not good for our mental health. Whatever that is, we need to let it go. Just a reminder that whatever is in this blog is my own opinion and experience. I am not a licensed therapist, and do not suffer from mental health issues like depression or anxiety, to name some. I’m just someone who wants to take care of my mental health and help others if I can.

What’s going on

Our mental health is so important. When we start spiralling, our best option is to try and identify the problem. This is not always easy. I don’t know what it’s like to have anxiety or depression affecting my way of thinking. Even so, sometimes I can’t identify why I’m feeling down, or just not myself. It’s different for everyone, but let’s look at some common factors, in my experience.

Damaging to mental health

When I’m feeling down, or out of sorts, I try to think about what’s going on in my life that could be causing it. Some things that I know can damage my mental health are loneliness, not enough rest, and not taking care of myself. I’m someone who gets energised and filled when I’m with people I care about. This could be as simple as getting together for coffee with a friend, having a night out with a bunch of friends, or visiting family. My job does involve seeing people, but let’s be real. No one likes all their customers, and when you get that difficult one, it can be more damaging. Not the social interaction that is good for you.

Rest vs Laziness

Now, when I say that I need rest, I don’t just mean sitting in bed all day and binge watching some show, or a bunch of movies. Doing these things for a bit is okay, but wasting a whole day is not. Now, I’m going to go right out and say it, I do end up doing this a lot. However, I don’t feel rested afterwards, but more exhausted. Rest will look different for everyone. For some it’s taking a quick power nap. Others it’s crafting, or baking, or some other creative thing. Lots of Christians will take the time to rest by spending time in devotions. Some people read. I’m still trying to find my balance. What does rest look like for me? When do I feel the most rested, especially after a busy week at the hotel.

Finding a solution

Once we identify the thing that is bringing us down, we need to find a way to let it go. Maybe we are sitting in frustration about something. Perhaps we are mad at someone, or even ourselves, for something that happened. Let it go. That frustration and anger is only going to hurt us. If someone has wronged you or hurt you, let it go. Forgive them and move on in life. Unforgiveness only hurts your life. This next one is a lot harder, but if there is a toxic person in your life, the best thing may be to let them go. You can try to put up boundaries, but you have to stick to them and if they don’t respect those boundaries, you may need to let them go and end the relationship.

An everyday battle

This is not a one time thing. Every day something will happen that could hurt us, frustrate or annoy us, even make us mad. Let it go. Our mental health is too important. We are in an age where so many people are diagnosed with anxiety or depression, or some other form of mental illness. The best thing we can do is find something that brings us calm and peace. Let go of things that are harmful. Surround yourself with people who are going to be there for you, in a way that is helpful. If you are drowning in your struggles and feel like there is no way out, please seek professional help. Call a hotline, talk to a friend or therapist. You don’t have to be alone. I’m going to link a helpline that I’ve heard lots of people talk about on YouTube. I’m not sponsored by them, I just want you to know that help is a click away.

You can take charge of your mental health, and we should all do our part to look after ourselves. If you see a friend who is struggling, let them know you are there. Don’t try to fix them, as that could cause more harm, but let them know you’re there if they need to talk. Together, we can beat this. Remember, anything can happen if you try.


Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.