Learning from Authors

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So, I want to be an author. We all know this already. I’ve shared it many times. What you may not know is that I’ve been learning from authors during this time as well. You might be wondering what I mean, so let me explain in this blog.

Not What it Sounds Like

Now, I have not been sitting down with published authors and asking them questions or getting feedback. That would actually be pretty cool. I did attend a workshop last year where I got to talk to people who have published books. Then I have my friend who I can bounce ideas off of and get advice. She has published and knows what it takes. So, I have not been learning from authors directly in person, as the main way.

How I’m Learning From Authors

By reading their books and dissecting them. You have gotten to witness some of that dissecting through my book reviews. However, I’ve been trying really hard not to give spoilers, so you can read the books and have your own opinion. The great thing about books is everyone has different loves. So, as I read the books I take note of things. How does the character grow? Does the story line flow nicely, or too quickly, or too slowly? Are the characters lovable, or bland? Do they all serve a purpose in the story, or do they just feel thrown in?

The Newest Lesson

So, I started reading a new book that I bought this year. I bought it specifically for the reading challenge. This is where my new lesson came in. Make sure your reader knows what they are about to read. The cover said the book, which had two books in one, was part of a Suspense Collection. The back of the book, where it talked about the author, said Thriller. I was excited, especially because I wanted to see how The Case of Adam Ness, the first book on my blog, compared. However, this is where the hidden component came. The book was also a smutty romance. I was not impressed.

There is a genre I dislike very strongly. I’ve never loved anything romance, be it book or movie or TV show. Smut – I don’t want any of it in my book. As a Christian I don’t want any of that. And as a reader I don’t want it. It serves no purpose, in my opinion. So, needless to say, I was extremely disappointed and stopped reading the book just a few chapters in.

Never Stop Learning

I have to keep going, learning, and growing in my own novel writing. You’ve seen it in the story that I’ve been working on now, What Would You Do. I tried a different genre, didn’t like it, so I’ve been moving it into a genre and style that I do enjoy. There is still a lot for me to learn, so I’ll keep learning. There are books that I have that talk about writing a successful book. So, I’m excited to dive into those. I don’t intend to write like others, or even compare myself to other authors. They will write differently than me, even if it’s in the same genre. Plus, they will have more experience under their belt. And every writer’s writing should be an expression of them. Even if it doesn’t speak to everyone.

Continuing On

As I keep going with my blogs, and eventually move into publishing my own books, I hope that others can learn from me, like I’m learning from authors who have come before me. I think the great thing about being a writer is the chance to be an inspiration, or a teacher, to others. And writing is one of those things where you can always grow. So, hopefully I can teach, inspire, and help other writers as well. Anything can happen, if I try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.