Introducing Stephanie

Hello everyone. This is my first personal blog, and I have to admit, I’m a little nervous. I’ve been humming and hawing about starting a blog for a while now, and I’ve decided, with some encouragement from friends, to bite the bullet and start. So, please be gentle, and I hope you enjoy my introduction.

Hi There

So, if you’ve read the about me page this introduction will be a bit repetitive at the start, but bear with me.


My name is Stephanie. I was born on May 8 in Steinbach. I’ve lived here basically all my life. I became a Christian in September of 2009 and honestly, it has been the best decision I’ve made. I have two cats that I adopted from the Steinbach and Area Animal Rescue. Their names are Teddy and Marshall. In a way, they came with those names, but Teddy was just Ted. Many people ask me if they were named after the characters from How I Met Your Mother. The answer: I don’t know.

Hockey Fan

As you will see as I continue with my blogs, I am a huge NHL hockey fan. I love watching the games, and will watch any game. My favourite teams are the Winnipeg Jets and the Carolina Hurricanes. I’ll never forget the game that I went to on December 17, 2019. The Jets were playing against the Hurricanes in Winnipeg. Naturally, I had to buy tickets. I was stoked when I realised that the tickets I bought were next to the visitors tunnel, and front row. During warm ups I held up my sign, hoping for the best. The sign said “Make my wish come true. Dougie all I want for Christmas is a selfie with you.” For those of you who are like, who is Dougie, he was, at the time, one of the defensemen for the Carolina Hurricanes. One of my favourite players. Dougie Hamilton finally came near enough. My friend had to help me ask, because I was so nervous. She called his name and we asked for the selfie. AND HE SAID YES! Not only did we take one selfie, but two! I was over the moon excited. During that game, I got a warm up puck from one of the security guards, a game puck from Marty Necas, another Carolina Hurricanes player, and at the end of the game, Dougie gave me the game winning puck. As you can imagine, even though the Jets lost that game, I saw myself as a winner.

My sign, my hopes, my dreams


What else can I tell you? Ah yes. As I mentioned, I am a Christian. I currently attend Calvary Church in Steinbach. It’s a wonderful church filled with such friendly and inviting people. Before Calvary I attended Southland Church. Another great church, but I had decided to move on to another church after the pandemic. One thing I know I love; Children’s Ministry. I have such a heart for kids and love spending time with them and teaching them about Jesus. I volunteered for years at Southland and have recently joined the team at Calvary. I couldn’t be happier and nothing makes you feel better than a sense of belonging.


A Beautiful Stretch

Another thing about me, I have tried to have a successful fitness journey. I have failed many times, but the important thing is I keep trying. Some of the workouts that I have enjoyed in the past are spin class, yoga, and jogging with friends. I also enjoy hiking and hope to do a lot more this summer. Maybe I’ll make a blog about it.

Let’s Wrap it Up

To wrap things up, what I currently do for work. I’m the Assistant Manager at the Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites in Steinbach. If you haven’t been there, I have to say, you’re missing out. It’s a beautiful hotel and the staff are the friendliest people you could hope to meet. The job has it’s ups and downs, as most jobs do, but by far this has been the best job I’ve had, so far. I do write blogs for the hotel as well, so you can see some of my earlier work. Check them out at

I need your help

Well, I hope you will continue to support me on this journey of becoming a blogger. I know that my site needs some work, but I just ask for patience as I learn. I am hoping to turn blogging into a full time job, but I will need your support. I’m aiming to post a new blog every week, so keep following me for more. I’ll have all kinds of different blogs until I find what works best. Don’t forget to leave comments and let me know how I’m doing. I’ll need all the help I can get.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.

10 thoughts on “Introducing Stephanie”

  1. This is a great read 😊
    Maybe you’ll have a Stephs Short Stories blog one day too 🀞

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