Hopeful Again

Surprise! It’s not a book review. I didn’t have as much time to read over the weekend as I wanted and I’m only about halfway through my book. Hopefully I can get some reading done today. It’s been a while since I gave a bit of a life update, so I figured now is a good time. You see, I’m hopeful again.

what changed

We hired a new person at the hotel and they will be taking half the night shifts! I’m going to have to retrain my brain to sleep again, especially because of the next few weeks. You see, while we are training, I’m the only one who can do nights. The other staff member who was doing night shifts got a second job that is full time, so night shifts won’t really work for her. So, the goal is to have this other person’s training completed so that they can start doing night shifts on their own. I’m finding myself hopeful again. I could start to have a life again. And days off.

anything else

Not sure if I’ve mentioned this in a previous blog. One of my debts is completely paid off! Overall, it only makes a very tiny dent in my total debt, but hey – it’s a dent. And if I play my cards right, I’m hopeful again to pay off two more debts in a few months. If you can’t tell that I’m excited, that’s just because you can’t see my face. Even though I won’t get all my debt paid off this year, and I won’t get to do two things that I really wanted to do, I’m okay. It’s more fuel in the tank to go harder next year.

What I’m Hoping for

Being hopeful again means I have a goal in sight. So, I am hoping to start building that savings account to get my first book published. It’s just waiting for an editor right now. A friend of mine, who is great at designing things, said she would be happy to make my cover. And she won’t cost as much as an illustrator, which will save me a chunk of change. I’ll still pay her though, because I’m not the type of person to take advantage of someone’s skill set. So, if all goes according to plan, I could be announcing the publication of my first book early next year! And, before you ask, the second book is being written as we speak. That way it can, hopefully, get published shortly after. Still researching how long I can wait to publish books in a series. I think I read I should publish every 6 months, but not sure that will be doable.

lighting the fires

Another plus to being hopeful again – the fires are being lit! Everything that I was feeling down about, or hopeless about, has turned around. Now I’m finding hope, which in turn is slowly adding fuel to my motivation. Let’s be honest, my motivation isn’t always the greatest. Which is fine. But it sure feels good to have the motivation growing a bit. I’ve even been in touch with a YouTuber who reviews books on her channel and she said she would love to read my book when it’s ready. That will certainly help get my book out there. And hopefully she gives it a good review so that her followers will go looking for it. Every bit of advertising helps.

moving forward

I am hoping that, moving forward, I’ll use this new hope to motivate me to work overtime at work. Why? Because I want to use that overtime to cover for a vacation next year. Because of my circumstances I won’t be able to travel this year. So, I’m hoping to work extra hard this year and use that extra to help cover a trip. Even if it’s just a week. After all, a week to myself will give me a lot of writing time. Which is what I’ll need if I want to become a successful author. Also, I need to keep growing in being smart with my money. No more debt like this ever again. Unless I buy a house. It’s great being hopeful again. Things are starting to look up and it’s a good reminder. Anything can happen if I try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.