Helping Others and Reaching Goals

people holding a brown paper bag

I have made a lot of goals this year and taken on a lot of different challenges. It, honestly, is becoming a bit too much, and overwhelming. 75 Soft, read 50 books, publish my first book, grow my blog, run another 10k – and more. However, a new opportunity has come up and it involves helping others. Let me share a bit.

Too many goals?

Today I really stopped and thought about all my goals for the year. The intro only touched on a few of those goals. Honestly, I’m not sure why I keep adding and making more goals. It’s not like I have the time to just go and do all these things all the time. So, I will be dropping some of them. I’m not sure which ones, so that will be another blog. The fact is, I’m reaching too high and then feeling like a failure when I see how badly I’m doing.

Is helping others another goal?

Always. I do love to help others, when I am able. When I can’t help in any way, it actually makes me feel bad. So, this isn’t adding another goal, necessarily. This is something that I always try to do and I think everyone should have the goal to help someone out at least once a week. Even if it’s something small.

what goal will this achieve?

Great question. Do you remember me talking about my food goal? Finishing every recipe in my cookbooks? The blog was called Cooking Goals. I actually just reread it and realised that I’ve dropped the ball in more than one way. First, I’ve been falling behind in a goal that I did not mention in that blog – trying to make 3 new recipes a week. The second is that I have not been updating you guys on it. I’m sorry and I’ll try to do better. Now, back to what this has to do with helping others.

helping others

I have a dear friend from work who has been going through a bit of a tough time. Because of some things going on in her life, which I won’t go into detail to respect her privacy, she has not had time to cook meals for her family. This is where I come in. She has eaten a few things that I’ve made, and enjoyed it. I made a comment that I would fly through my cookbooks if I had someone to cook for every day. Apparently, she has been praying about something along those lines for her family, and she asked if I was serious. I was. So, we came to an agreement. I’ll make 2 suppers a week for her and her family, and in return she will provide me with all the ingredients needed. Plus, I get to put some aside for myself as well. I’m honestly so excited for this opportunity and challenge. One of her kids is a picky eater.

feeling excited

I’m so excited to be helping her in this way. My boss and I are even considering some different ways to incorporate my love of cooking into the hotel, although I’ll have a bit of a leash on that end. Can’t go too crazy. But, this does mean that I’ll be cooking more, knocking out recipes faster, and working my way towards a new cookbook. My hope is to be able to buy myself a new cookbook for my birthday. Fingers crossed. Actually, I was pumped about yesterday. I ended up making lunch and supper, and knocked out two recipes per meal. So, that’s four down. Lots more to go. I’m excited, and I’ll try to remember to take more pictures of the food. This is something I’ve dropped the ball in.

your challenge

Now I have a challenge for you. I want you to think of different ways you can help people in your life. Or, maybe a complete stranger. If we all start helping one person a week, and it can be a different person each week, think about how much joy we can spread. You don’t even have to tell them. Drop off a box of cookies at someone’s house and don’t take credit for it. Let them feel blessed, and do it for selfless reasons. Anyone can help someone and take all the credit for it. I will also rise to this challenge. I want to think of ways that I can help someone, but anonymously. Let’s spread some love and joy in April. Anything can happen, if we try helping others.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.