Heart’s Content – Newfoundland – Part 3

Don’t worry. I’m not going to do a 14 part blog for all 14 days of this trip. I would find that tiring after a while. So, today I’m going to tell you about this little town that we visited while on one of our adventures, Heart’s Content. Yes, that is the name of the location. They have some interesting names out there. So, let’s travel to Heart’s Content together.

Picking our adventure

We really didn’t have a plan of things we wanted to do or places to go. So, each morning, after I had put in some time for hotel work that I could do remotely, we would decide where to go and what to do. I’m going to be honest, I don’t remember which day this was, but we found a pretty lighthouse that we wanted to go check out. The lighthouse was the Heart’s Content Lighthouse. It was a gorgeous day, and we had some stuff for a picnic, so the plan was to have a picnic at the lighthouse. We made our sandwiches, packed some snacks, grabbed our water bottles and got in the car.

On our way to Heart’s Content

The drive

Fog’s coming in. Thankfully it wasn’t at the lighthouse

When I say Newfoundland is beautiful, I mean it’s beautiful. Here in Manitoba, if you’re driving from one place to another, there isn’t much excitement. You have a flat prairie as far as the eye can see. Newfoundland has mountains, lakes, and lush woods as far as the eye can see. The roads went up and down, and wound through other areas. Rosie and I couldn’t help but admire the view as we drove. There was a lookout point that we stopped at so that Rosie could also get some pictures.

Heart’s Content

When we arrived at Heart’s Content our first thought was how adorable it was. This beautiful little town, right by the water of Trinity Bay. There were parts of the road where you could just stare at the water while you drove. As we wound our way through the town, our eyes taking in everything, we could see the lighthouse at the edge of the community, overlooking the bay. We drove up to it, as there was parking at the top of the hill near the lighthouse. Other than an older gentleman sitting in a vehicle, there was no one else around. Spotting a picnic table overlooking the water, we headed over with our lunch.

View from Heart’s Content Lighthouse platform

Why me?

Unfortunately for me, the picnic table was in some tall grass. This, plus the fact that it was near water could only mean one thing; bugs. Rosie was highly amused as she ate in peace and I fought off bugs while trying to eat my lunch. For some reason they were only interested in me. I’m not sure when, but my ear at some point had started to itch at the top and I was scratching it without realising. However, when I looked at my hand shortly after finishing my sandwich I noticed blood. Confused, I scratched my ear again, and came away with more blood. It bled for a good while before giving up, but it was so itchy. The next day I woke up with a swollen ear. It was like that for 2-3 days, not sure the exact amount of time. To this day I have no idea what bit me.

Time to take in the view

There were garbage bins attached to the tables, so we threw away our garbage, put our stuff back in the car, and went to the lighthouse to take pictures. Again, the view was breathtaking. The pictures I’m showing in this blog do not do it justice. The lighthouse was locked, so we were not able to go in and climb to the top like I wanted. I’m not even sure if anyone is actually allowed. There were some rocks to climb and and take in more of the view. The geniuses that we are, we did this in sandals. Thankfully, we didn’t get hurt, but I recommend proper footwear. Especially because one of the ones I climbed was littered with broken glass. We each found a spot to sit and just admire the view for a while before deciding it was time to go.

Pictures do not do this view justice

Another day in the books

As we said goodbye to Heart’s Content, taking in the view one last time, I couldn’t help but feel a bit sad that I didn’t get to call this place home. There were many places that made me feel this way. Even with my ear swelling up because of a bug, I was still in awe of the place. The beauty of Newfoundland needs to be taken in with your own eyes. If you ever find yourself in Newfoundland, I recommend checking out Heart’s Content. Have a picnic overlooking Trinity Bay, near the lighthouse. After lunch, check out some of the trails that Rosie and I were unable to because we didn’t bring proper shoes. Maybe bring some bug spray, so you don’t have a similar story to mine. I hope you enjoyed this blog, and the pictures. Until the next one, remember, anything can happen if you try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.