Girls Night

Last week, my friend and I treated her two daughters to a girls night at the hotel we work at. We had been talking about doing something special with them and they were really excited. I have permission to share the pictures of the evening and so let me tell you all about the fun filled evening we shared.

Starting a girls night with supper

Sushi platter at Irori BBQ House

For those who don’t know, I love sushi. My friend and her daughters had never tried sushi. The girls had been telling their mom that they wanted to try it, but she was unsure about it. That’s where I came in. We met at one of the local sushi restaurants in town. Irori BBQ House is a Korean BBQ place that also serves some of the best sushi I’ve ever had. It’s my go to place in town and I love that it is locally owned. The owners are always there, working right along with their staff and are very friendly. I ordered a few different options, picking some that I deemed safe to try for the kids for the first time. It was hit and miss, but they did try most of the different kinds. The eel everyone was unsure about, so I ate that one on my own.

One more quick stop

After supper we all decided to grab some bubble tea from yet another locally owned business, Bhe beh Tea. A new addition to town, it is well liked by all bubble tea enthusiasts. We each got our order and then it was off to the hotel, singing Disney songs in the car on the way there. We headed to the room and the excitement for the evening grew as the girls planned out what they wanted to do.

Hot Tub Time

The hotel we work at does not have a pool, but it does have a hot tub. A big one. The girls were eager to go, so we all changed into our swimsuits and headed over. When I say that the hot tub is big, it’s big enough that the girls were swimming across it. My friend and I chatted with each other while watching the girls, applauding as they put on a show for us. Everyone got pretty hot quickly, so after a while we sat in the chairs in the room to cool off a bit, and dry a bit, before heading to the room. To pass the time, I started to tell the girls a story, that I was making up on the spot. I didn’t finish the story before we left, and the girls made me promise to finish it as a bedtime story.

Story time

Spa time

After the hot tub, we headed back up to the room and changed into dry clothes. They had brought some things for a bit of a spa treatment, which included some masks. Every girls night needs spa time. Everyone picked one and the girls got masked by their mom, then each girl got to put our masks on. There were plenty of giggles to be had as the girls tried to avoid getting it in our eyes and mouth. We even decided to be silly and headed down to the desk with our masks on to buy some snacks. Our coworker just shook her head, and other guests laughed at the sight of us. The plan was to embarrass the kids, but that didn’t work. They were just as excited.

A relaxing evening at the spa.
A girls night fright


After washing off our masks, and putting on some more silly stuff, we went to the games room and the girls challenged us to air hockey, turbo ball and Foosball. We played a few rounds with each girl getting a chance to take on each of us. There was lots of laughter and cheering, especially when the girls were beating us. After a few rounds, we returned the game equipment to the desk and headed back up to our room.

Just a friendly game of air hockey.

Wrapping up girls night

There is just something about staying in a hotel that screams pizza. We ordered a pizza, painted our nails and watched Encanto. I had never seen it and the girls loved the movie, so it was an easy choice. And we were singing one of the songs earlier in the car, so it just all came together. Then it was time to finish up the story. Now, don’t judge me, I was telling a scary story. I did have their mom’s permission and the girls were begging for a scary one. In fact, the girls were so into hearing a scary story that they grabbed flashlights and turned off all the other lights. We all sat on my bed and I told the story. Again, I was making up the whole thing as I told it. The story ended and the girls loved it. However, I may have gone a bit overboard as they didn’t want to sleep in their own beds. My friend said one girl could sleep with her and the other with me. Well, they fought over who would sleep with me.

To return the evening to peace, we made a decision. We pulled two of the queen mattresses off the beds and put them on the floor together to make one giant bed. Both girls snuggled up to me, my friend wished me good luck, and it was bed time. Now, the group fell asleep a lot quicker than me. I don’t fall asleep quickly normally, and now I had two little girls snuggled up to me. It took a bit and at one point in the middle of the night one of the girls ended up rolling over to her mom and sleeping there, which gave me a bit more room to move around and get comfortable.

A successful girls night

The girls night ended in the morning as we went down for breakfast. I was scheduled to work later in the morning, so we cleaned up the room and packed everything up. Because my friend and I both work at the hotel, we did take all the bedding and towels, that were used, to the housekeeping room. Less work for later. The girls were sad that it had to come to an end, but we assured them that this would not be the last time we would do this. They are already excited for the next one. I am too and I hope to be able to do things like this with my other friends’ children. Living that honorary auntie life. The goal, to make money from my blogs, is even stronger now so I can do more things like this. Anything can happen if we try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.