It’s funny how after just a few months of no blogging I’m struggling in getting back into it. Sure, in some ways there is not a lot going on in my life so it makes blogging harder. But there are things I can do to change that. After all, it’s my decision do something with it, right?
Getting Back on Schedule
One of the ways I can work on getting back is through a schedule. I had a schedule last year and it worked. Sure, I had to take a day away because things were too crazy, and I didn’t know what to do with Story Saturday, but for the most part I stuck to my schedule. As soon as I wavered in that, that’s when the blogging started to fizzle out. Let’s be real, if I know I have to write a blog I’m going to put a bit more effort into getting things done so that I have something to blog about.
Pushing Myself
It will also require a great deal of pushing myself. As some of you may remember, I’m not the greatest at self discipline and self motivation. If I have people in my corner cheering me on, I have a better chance at succeeding. I’ll use my fan fiction writing as an example. For each chapter I post, there are people who are leaving me comments saying how much they enjoyed the chapter, or their theories on what will happen next. This encourages me to keep going, to write the next chapter, and it gets me excited. Back when I had a gym membership I was great at going to the gym when I had people I was meeting there. If it was just me, I couldn’t be bothered. This year I want to grow in doing things for myself.
Getting Back to Fitness
I won’t even try to deny it. Like so many bride to bes before me, I want to workout and eat better before my wedding so I can look and feel my best. This means getting back on track with my fitness journey. My fiance, who thinks I look great no matter what, is in my corner cheering me on. He’s even agreeing to do some of the crazy challenges I have set for the year with me. What a gem. This will give me a lot more blogging material next month, when we start our first challenge. I also have to give one of my friends a shout out. Almost every week last year we met once a week to workout. So, it’s good to know I’m not starting this year completely down the drain.
That’s That, For Now
Well, I think that’s about it for now. Obviously there are other things I want to get back into, such as reading actual books, and working on the one I want to publish. But, if I focus on trying to do too much at the same time, I’m doomed to fail. So, I’ll ease into things. And I’ll give myself grace when I don’t quite make it. The important part is to keep going and not give up. After all, anything can happen if I try.
You know I’m always in your corner ready to back you up and support you. I’m looking forward to our reset if you can believe that. Lol
Buckle up. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride
Click, I’m ready