Fun in the Sun

yellow shovel half buried on sand near the ocean

That was the goal for this last weekend. I wanted to get more tanned, go swimming, and just have an enjoyable weekend. There were a few fun things planned for the weekend. Sure, one didn’t involve the sun, but it was going to be fun. And you know what? It was. Here is how my weekend went – fun in the sun and more.

Fun in the Sun Plan

Let me start with the plan for this last weekend. Some friends and I were going to have a day at the beach. It was going to be a full day of swimming, eating, sun tanning and reading. Every year I set a goal to get as tanned as possible and usually flop because I’m always inside. I’ve done not too bad this year, but I know I could be darker. So a day of fun in the sun was just what I needed. Especially with a busy work schedule. We talked a bit about what everyone was going to bring, watched the weather with growing concerns when it called for thunderstorms, and waited.


Finally Saturday arrived. It was still calling for thunderstorms, but later in the afternoon. So, praying that it would stay away, we packed up the vehicle and headed to the nearest beach to get as much time there as possible. As expected, the beach was packed and we had to walk a while before we found a spot. My friends wanted to be near some shade so we found a spot near a tree. I looked at the water with great anticipation and before long we were in the water. Now, the beach we went to does not have clear water and isn’t very pretty, but it works for our needs. After a while in the water we headed back up the beach, read a bit, and then I went back in the water and bumped into someone I knew.

Not so Sunny

The sun was out, but there were lots of clouds already. To me, it was not overly hot, which is what I like on a beach day. Have some fun in the sun by alternating swimming and sun tanning. But, it was warm enough that the water could feel refreshing. Unless you found a rare cold spot. After swimming and playing with my old coworker and her kid, and being joined by one of my friends from the beach, we headed back to where we were sitting and decided to find a new spot with a picnic table so we could eat lunch. My friend had a small portable BBQ and we were getting a bit peckish. While I guarded the table, my friends hurried to the car to get the food and BBQ. Just after we had finished eating, thunder sounded in the distance. Thus marking the end of our fun in the sun. We packed up, figured out how to carry everything in one go, and hurried to the car. The rain only hit as my friend was dropping me off at the hotel.

Fun in the Sun Done

With all of us at our homes, and the rain deciding it only wanted to last for a bit, our fun in the sun day was done. Not exactly how we planned it, but at the same time we got to do everything we planned. We swam, ate, and read on the beach. I don’t think I got much more of a tan, but not the end of the world. Summer isn’t over yet and I’m sure I’ll have more fun in the sun days. I rounded off the weekend with an escape room adventure with some coworkers. We had a lot of fun, but didn’t escape. Oh well. Maybe next time.

Wanting More Sunshine

I’m really hoping that there’s more sunshine tomorrow. I have the day off and I’m eager to do some reading in the sun again. Plus, I need to return some library books and I would like to walk there if the weather is fair. There are all kinds of bonuses to walking to the library. If it’s sunny I can continue to work on my tan. I get my exercise in for the day and I save money on gas. Win! I should also clean my room this week. It needs a lot of work as I have been slacking in that area. Plus I need to get in as many hours as possible. Right now, with salary, I owe hours. My goal is to eliminate those owed hours by the end of August. If I meet that goal, I will reward myself by getting my hair done! I’ve wanted to get it done for so long now, so I am determined! Wish me luck. Anything can happen, if I try and put effort into it.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.