Finding New Motivation

woman in yellow pants

Well, I have hit a wall. Mentally that is. My life feels boring and empty and purposeless. I asked myself the other day, what am I doing with my life? I often hear people say I should have plenty of spare time because I don’t have a husband and kids. Because of this, I take on shifts at work for others, and try to make everyone but myself happy. So, it’s time. I’m finding new motivation to drive me forward.

Finding New Motivation With Free Time

I look at the free time I have and I wonder what I’m doing with it. The answer – not much. I feel like I waste most of it by just binge watching stuff. As you know, if you have been following my blog, I have been obsessed with Ninja Turtles lately. Now I have to ask myself – am I finding new motivation in life by watching Ninja Turtles? The answer is no. There has to be more. Sure, once a week I meet up with a friend for a workout of sorts. And I try to find time to spend with friends on days off. But, I still feel like I’m just wasting my time.

Honorary Auntie

Obviously, the dream is to become a mom one day. Until then, what can I do to keep my head up? The answer is quite simple. I’m an honorary auntie to some of my friends’ kids. Just this week I went to visit one of these friends and hearing those kids call me Auntie Stephie just melts my heart. The giggles, the excitement to tell me everything and all at once, and the hugs with begs to come back soon. How can your heart not be full after that? So, I have decided that I want to start doing one on one time with some of these kids. They’re all excited about it. Obviously some will have to wait until they’re a bit older. One of my “nephews” doesn’t know me very well so he was a little uncertain around me.


You’re probably confused by this as I have mentioned that I volunteer at church in the Sunday school. Yes, this is true, but we had the summer off. Plus, it’s only once a month that I volunteer there, so I still have a lot of free time to fill up. And, I think I found where I want to put that volunteer time. There is an animal rehab centre nearby that I didn’t even know existed until recently. When I was looking around I discovered it and saw that they are looking for volunteers. My heart lit up and I was immediately excited at the prospect of working with animals. When I was younger I actually wanted to work in a vet office. However, after struggling with some of the sciences I put that dream away. However, a volunteer position working with animals is the next best thing. And they provide all the training that I’ll need. So, I’m seriously considering looking into that this year.


I know that I won’t be able to take time off this year for any sort of vacation time. Financially it just won’t work. However, next year is a different story. So, what better way to go about finding new motivation than to plan a trip where you’ll need to make sure you have the finances to do it. This is helping me to put in more hours, and focus a lot more on bringing down my debt. Of course this means I’ll have to make some sacrifices and not do a lot of things that I want to do this year, but it will be worth it. I’m also still working towards my mini goal of getting my hair done. After looking some things over I do realise that I’ll have to be creative to meet that goal, but hey, it’s motivation. And right now, I need it.

Finding New Motivation for Mental Health

I have come to the conclusion that I am feeling a bit depressed. Part of this comes from not having anything really exciting to get me out of bed. There’s no drive in my life anymore and I need to get that back if I’m going to crawl out of my depression rut. That’s why I’m looking into all these things. Will it make my life a bit more hectic? Sure, but in a good way. Plus, having something new and exciting will benefit me twofold. Firstly, it will spark a bit more life in me and give me something else to look forward to. Secondly, it will give me some great new content to write in my blogs.

Finding Hope

There is hope in this. I hope that in finding new motivation it will spark other areas of my life that are dimming as well. My writing has taken a hit lately. Not just blogging, but my novels as well. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I worked on my novels. I’m not giving up on them, but it is harder to motivate myself when I’m in the mindset of not wanting to do anything but watch Ninja Turtles. But, I am hopeful that things will change if I begin to incorporate these small changes. Giving myself something to look forward to will lighten my mind for sure. And that’s what I need. As we know, anything can happen if I try.

Quick side note: sometimes I’m unable to post on a regular day. So, I’ll put something on social media. Feel free to follow me on socials to stay up to date on what’s going on.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.