Failure: Conquering a Fear

grayscale photo of man sitting

Everyone has fears. Some are scared of spiders or clowns, and yet others are scared of heights or deep water. Fears can be small and avoidable, or crippling. I want to talk about one of my fears in this blog. The fear of failure. I invite you to follow along as I share how my fear has impacted my life, and how I face it every day.

Fear of Failure:

Let’s start by describing what this fear is for me. When I say I have a fear of failure, it doesn’t stop me from doing everything. I’ll apply at places when I am looking for a job. The fear of failure doesn’t stop me from forming relationships, or from serving at church. Fear doesn’t stop me from trying new things. So, you might be wondering what it does for me. When I talk about my fear of failure, I’m talking about chasing my dreams. I’ve already shared what my dreams are for the year and how I intend to chase them. In fact, you might read it and think, “Wow, this girl is confident.” Well, thank you and I’m glad that I came across that way, but the reality is, I’m terrified.

Confronting my Fear:

Now, some of you might wonder what’s so scary about blogging? Let me explain by starting with a question of my own. Have you ever wanted something so badly that you were terrified of losing it before you even had it? That’s what I faced. I knew that this year I wanted to start my blogging career, with my own blogs and website, but I was so scared to start. What if I put money into this and it was a complete flop? I pushed it for quite a while before I actually took the steps I needed to. I really want to make this career work, and I want to succeed at it more than anything.

Each blog I’m scared to post. What if this blog doesn’t do well? Will people keep coming back? What if my blogs become such a bore that the site just dies all together? Well, didn’t you want to start a YouTube channel? Maybe that will do better.” Sure, it might, or it might flop as well. However, I have decided to not let my fear stop me anymore. So, I will post another blog, and I will plan future blogs.

Conquering my Fear:

There is a part of me that knows that not every blog will be a success. I know that it will take time to build my site, my audience, and my income. The same thing will happen next year with my YouTube channel. I am so tired of letting my fear of failure stop me from chasing my dreams, or pursuing my passions. I’m ready to overcome and dive in. I have plans to build my site and to grow my income. The determination I have to work my butt off at my work from home projects is driven by my hopes and dreams for what I’ll do when I have that free time.

I’ll be honest, that determination goes up and down. The drive comes and goes. You will be able to see when I’m having a driven week, because I will post more blogs and be active on my social media accounts. When I’m struggling, I’ll be quieter.

How to help:

Some of you may enjoy my blogs, and eagerly await the next blog. There may be some of you who want to help, but you’re not sure how to. Well, I have some good news. It won’t cost you a dime. Every time you leave a comment, I am encouraged and want to write more. Share my blogs with friends and family and bring more traffic to my site. Follow my social media accounts (linked below) and share my posts. Keep coming back and reading my blogs.

I appreciate each of you and all the support that I am getting from you. Thank you for the comments, here and on social media. Some of you have even encouraged me in person. Without you all, I will fail, so thank you for helping me to face this fear. I invite you to face yours. You don’t have to do it alone. Bring in friends, family, and remember you are capable of so much more than you think. Have a great day, and remember, anything can happen if you try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.