Chapter 19 – What Would You Do

detective looking through case files in the office

Alright, time to dive into the next chapter. Are you all ready for Chapter 19? I know I am. So, let’s keep this short, sweet and simple. And let’s get to the story. I’m sure you’re dying to find out what will happen to Davis.

Chapter 19

“Tessa!” John and Amanda ran across the hospital to embrace their eldest child, tears streaming down their faces. The FBI agents and police stood in shock. How did the girl escape her captors? A doctor and nurse rushed over, escorting the group to an empty room. Once her parents finally released her, the doctor began to examine her.

“I’m not harmed. Really, I’m okay.” The doctor smiled, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose as they slid down.

“We just want to make sure. You must have been through quite the ordeal.” Tessa saw the worry on everyone’s faces and nodded.

“Okay doc. I’ll let you do your job. But is my sister okay?” John nodded.

“Yes, she awoke and we told her you were at work. We didn’t want to upset her so soon after her surgery.” Tessa sighed with relief. Clearly she had not wanted her sister to know she had been in any danger.

What Would You Do

Detective Ryan sat across the table from Tessa and her dad. Amanda had gone back to Susie’s room in case she woke up. He was completely baffled by Tessa’s tale. But, one look into her eyes and he knew she wasn’t lying.

“So, let me get this straight. Some men broke into the house, killed everyone involved in your kidnapping, and brought you close to the hospital and then watched until you were safely inside? And you believe that your abductors were going to traffic you?” Tessa nodded, her hands ripping a napkin into bits.

“I promise you, Detective, I’m telling the truth.” One of the FBI agents, Agent Dawson, shook her head.

“It seems a bit weird if you ask me.” Tessa turned to face her.

“I agree, but it’s the truth. Oh, wait! The men who rescued me thought that someone else was being held hostage in the house. A boy.” The agent sat down next to Detective Ryan.

“Did they say anything about the boy? Why they were looking for him?” Tessa shook her head.

“No, but I recognise the boy. I had served him and his friends at the diner a few days ago!”

Chapter 19

Frank slammed his phone down on the table, causing his men to look up from cleaning their guns.

“Problem boss?” He nodded.

“William Steel and his wife just got a video of their son being beaten! We are running out of time. Do we have any more leads?” One of his men looked up from a laptop he had been staring at for the past two hours.

“None. Shaw is a crafty bastard. He seems to have gone underground. I ran the IDs of all the men we found at the house. None of any link to Shaw. I’m hacking into their phones and trying to find out where their orders came from to grab the girl, but I think this is a dead end.” Frank sighed, collapsing into a chair. He could only imagine the torture that Davis was going through at the moment.

“Keep trying. Davis is out there, somewhere. And he’s waiting for us to rescue him. Let’s not let him down.” The men nodded. Two grabbed their guns and headed out to do some more recon for potential hiding places for Shaw. Failure was not an option for any of them. They would not let Davis die.

What Would You Do

Detective Ryan leaned back in his chair, a frown on his face, his brown eyes staring at the monitor in front of him. Agent Dawson walked in, sinking into a chair across from him, running a hand through her strawberry blonde hair.

“By the look on your face I’m going to wager you can’t find a report on the kid missing either?” He shook his head, turning to her.

“Nothing. I don’t get it. Who doesn’t report their kid missing? If he’s buying himself food at a diner, and is seen with friends, why has no one reported anything?” Dawson’s grey eyes locked on him.

“Maybe he comes from a family that isn’t on the up and up. Hiring a hit squad to look for the kid isn’t exactly what your regular Joe would do.” Ryan ran a tired hand over his face.

“I’ve thought of that too. It’s too extreme for gangs. And I don’t know of any highly organised crime lord in the area with a son. What do you think? Should we have Tessa sit down with a sketch artist and give it to the media to help find him?” Dawson frowned.

“I’m not sure. It could put the kid in more danger. In my experience there are two reasons people don’t call the cops. They have something to hide, or they’ve been threatened. Either way, that poor boy is in trouble and we have no idea where to start looking!”

Oh Boy

Well, it seems that Davis’ predicament is not looking so good and any rescue is not near at hand. Sorry for the shorter chapter today, but I felt like that was a perfect ending to this chapter. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend and hopefully you get some great weather. I’ll see you Monday with a book review.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.