Chapter 16-What Would You Do

a lonely woman sitting by herself

Okay, a bit of a warning as this book progresses. I do have an idea of where this book will go and it’s dark. Dare I say it could get gory. I don’t want to say what I have planned. But if you don’t like dark, possible bloody, reads – this book is not for you. Take a break and keep an eye out for the next book. For those of you who are still intrigued here is Chapter 16 of What Would You Do.

Chapter 16

Davis stood by the window, staring outside and watching the bird’s nest in the tree near his room. It was the one that the man had been watching a few days ago. A whole day had passed and the only time the door opened was to give him a new tray of food and take away the previous one. They were careful and never gave Davis food that required utensils. He had nothing to use as a weapon. He couldn’t help the sarcastic smile that crossed his face. Not like he could fight back against these guys anyway. He watched the mother bird fly from her nest in search of food, wishing he could fly away from this place.

The door opened and Davis turned to see what his next meal was. Freezing, he pressed himself against the window, wishing he could get away. The man smiled, closing the door behind him and sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Come here Davis.”

What Would You Do

Tessa looked up as she heard a key unlock her door. From her huddled position on the floor, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to rush the door and try to escape. The door opened and a man walked in. His greasy, black hair was slicked back. Brown eyes looked at her with amusement and something else. Tessa hugged her legs to her body even tighter, mouth going dry with fear. His black t-shirt stretched against large muscles. In his beefy hands was a tray with a burger, fries and a strawberry milkshake. He placed the tray on the dresser.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart. Our orders are to keep you well fed and well taken care of.” He turned to face her, a strange look in his eyes. Tessa felt tears burning at the back of her eyes. Blinking she refused to let them fall. She would not give this man the satisfaction of seeing her cry.

“Your orders also say hands off!” Both turned to see a woman standing in the door. She glowered at the man. “Get out.” Surprisingly, the man obeyed, head down. Tessa turned to the woman. Who was she that this behemoth of a man would slink away like a wounded puppy?

Chapter 16

Davis hesitated, not sure what the man wanted. He seemed to read Davis’ mind.

“Don’t worry. I just want to talk. Get your mind away from all those other thoughts in your head.” Slowly Davis walked over to the bed and sat down, keeping space between himself and this other man. The man smiled and reached into his pocket, pulling out a photograph and placing it on the bed in between them. The teen looked down and saw himself in the picture. He couldn’t have been more than four or five years old. Glancing up he saw the man watching him. “That’s the last time I saw you.”

“I don’t understand.” Sadness crossed the stranger’s face.

“You were four years old. I had just found out my son had been killed and went to confront your father. As I was leaving you ran in. You just looked up at me and handed me your candy, a lollipop. I could tell that you were really excited about that lollipop, but you gave it to me. The innocence in your face, the kindness in your eyes – it didn’t belong with your family. Honestly, I thought of kidnapping you back then, raising you as my own. But your parents had people watching me, so I waited till I was a forgotten memory.” Davis saw the toll the years had taken on his face. He looked tired, sad, and Davis wondered if he could change his mind about killing him.

What Would You Do

The woman turned her attention to Tessa. Her curly red hair almost matched her lipstick. Green eyes smirked at her, unkind and unsympathetic. She was thin, her red blouse and tight, white jeans showing she had no curves. Yet, Tessa could see by her posture that this woman was not a pushover. She was in charge.

“Make sure you eat all your food. I can’t have you losing weight and I’m supposed to keep you in good condition.” Supposed to? So, this woman wasn’t in charge? “However, if you don’t listen, the house is filled with men that would love to turn you from an innocent teen into a woman. Do you understand?” Fear paralysed her voice and Tessa could only nod. “Good. I’ll be back for your tray in about an hour. It better be empty.” The woman turned on a heel and closed the door behind her, Tessa hearing the lock click into place. Now she let the tears fall. What did they want with her?

Chapter 16

The man stood up and headed for the door. Davis looked at him.

“I’m sorry.” The man stopped, looking back over his shoulder at Davis, confusion in his eyes. “I’m sorry that my parents never helped you. They’re not the most compassionate people. I think the only reason I am is because I was raised by nannies. They were kind, compassionate, and taught me better. I wish things had been different in the past.” The man turned back to the door.

“You can’t change the past, Davis. Your parents are heartless. You’ll see. They will not do what is required of them to save your life. In fact, I don’t think they care that you’re gone right now. One less problem for them to worry about.” Before Davis could respond, he left the room, the door slamming shut behind him. He swallowed the lump in his throat. The man had to be wrong. His parents would move mountains to get him back, right? As he sat on the bed, the photograph in his hands, doubt clawed its way into his mind. The picture brought back a flood of memories. His parents were always telling him they were too busy, they didn’t have time. They would call the nanny and remind her that they were not to be disturbed. What about now? Would they come for him?

What’s Next

So, we didn’t get gory in this chapter, but I think you can see the dark in it. Two teens wondering what their fates will be. For now we wait, as this is the end of chapter 16. I’ll see you all on Monday, possibly with a book review. I’ll see if I can finish the book in time. Otherwise, enjoy the rest of your weekend. I’m hoping the rain will let up and the sun will come out. Take care, my friends.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.