Canada Day Weekend

canada flag with mountain range view

I know, it’s not the weekend yet. However, this year I am really excited for Canada Day Weekend. It’s going to be a weekend packed with fun, hopefully a lot of sun, and the people I care about. So, with that short intro, let’s talk about the upcoming weekend.

Time Off for Canada Day Weekend

Finally! This is probably the most exciting part of the weekend. I have the whole weekend off. I’m working the night shift Thursday, so I’ll get off work around 6am on Friday. After that, I’m off until my night shift on Monday. With all the night shifts I’ve had, and all the shifts I’ve put in on top of those, I have not had a full day off in a really long time. You can say I have worked everyday this year, in some capacity. I’m exhausted. So, having this weekend off is really exciting for me. And, to make it better, it’s Canada Day Weekend! Why is that more exciting?

Don Fest

Now, I know a lot of you are wondering, what the heck is Don Fest? My family celebrates Canada Day Weekend in a big way. For the entire weekend, those who can, grab campers, tents, food, alcohol, sun screen and more and head to my Uncle Don’s place. He lives right next to a lake and the family spends the whole weekend camping at his place, swimming, fishing, boating, having BBQs, bonfires, and so much more. Every year I’ve had to work, or I’ve been gone. So I don’t get to spend time with them. This year I can. I won’t be there the whole weekend, but I plan to spend a good portion of my Saturday there. And I haven’t seen my one cousin yet since her baby was born, so I’m excited to meet the newest member of the family.


Because of my exhausting schedule I have not had a lot of time for writing. Even my blogs are just getting squished in. Friday, after I wake up, I’m going to gather my laptop, books I’m reading, headphones, and head out to my favourite coffee place. Then I plan to spend hours there working on my novels, writing Saturday’s blog so I can just post it before heading to my uncle’s, and reading. One of my friends, who has been my biggest cheerleader with writing, is planning to join me for a portion of the day as well. After I’ve finished there the rest of the day is half planned. I’m thinking of going for what I call my mental health drive. It basically consists of me driving a large loop while listening to loud music. It’s so calming to me. After that another friend invited me over for a wiener roast and bonfire at his place.


This is the one day on Canada Day Weekend that I don’t have anything planned really. Other than going to church. And, as the one who makes the schedule at work, this will be one of the only times I can go to church for the next month. After that my day is kind of wide open. I might hang out with my two friends from my accountability group. Hopefully I didn’t burn so badly on Saturday that I can’t spend the day outside if it’s nice. I don’t plan to do anything too crazy, but I do want to spend it away from the hotel.

Not Available Canada Day Weekend

I will be letting all my coworkers know that all of Canada Day Weekend I will be unavailable for questions or anything else. In fact, I plan to turn off my notifications and I’ll just catch up on Monday when I turn them back on. My boss knows this as well. It will be different because I always have my notifications on. I’m almost always available for people to ask questions or to help if needed. But, this will be a good weekend to just turn off my work brain for a few days and hopefully come back feeling refreshed. My boss warns me not to get too excited because the last time I thought I would have time off something happened and I had to work. However, I’ll be telling everyone that if anything happens they need to contact my boss or the other assistant manager. And I’m sticking to it. With the way things are this will be my time off this summer, heck, for the year possibly. I plan to enjoy it and not worry about problems that may arise at the hotel.

What About You

What are your plans for Canada Day Weekend? Will you be stuck at work? Or, will you get to spend the weekend outside with people you care about? Maybe your idea of a great weekend is curling up on a patio with a good book. Whatever you do, I hope you have a fantastic Canada Day Weekend. Live life to the fullest because we never know what tomorrow holds. Enjoy the rest of your week my friends. And remember, anything can happen if you try!

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.