Being Productive

text on canvas

Well, at least I’m going to try. Lately my life has felt like anything but productive. I’m not reaching my goals, and I’m slacking with my blogs. In fact, not much has been going on in my life that has been worth blogging about. So, how can I change that? This week I’m hoping to start a new chapter in my life and we are going to start by being productive.

Let’s Try Being Productive

Honestly, I’m starting off on the right foot. I got up at a decent time today, started my laundry, made breakfast, and put in a few minutes of work. Now I’m writing this blog. Not a bad start to the day or week. The challenge, for me, when it comes to being productive is staying consistent. It’s easy to start strong, but a lot harder to end strong. How will I keep up with this challenge? Honestly, I’m not sure. But, here are some ideas.

Keep it Small

I want to keep my goals small, but make them daily. Today I do laundry, and maybe tomorrow I will do the dishes. Or, I can make myself a list of what to accomplish this week and assign each task a day. If I get a boost of motivation and get more things done one day, then I can have more down time the next. Little rewards to motivate myself. I will also want to bring this motivation into my work life as well. I have almost zeroed out my salary owing hours, which means I’m that much closer to rewarding myself by getting my hair done. Then, we start building.

Being Productive in Writing

I think I need to also work on being productive with my writing. Yes, I’m still quite a ways from getting my first novel published, but that shouldn’t stop me from working on the next one. And I worked so hard to become disciplined with my blogging to give up now. So, this week I’m really going to put in an effort to get back on track with my blogs. Perhaps I’ll set the goal of making sure I get in at least half an hour of writing every day. If I do more, cool. And if I’m struggling, I’m not forcing myself to write too long and then coming up with complete garbage that I delete later.

Growing My Audience

This is something that I have been struggling with a lot. How do I grow my audience? After all, when I publish my book I’ll need a larger audience so I can promote it more. Obviously I do not expect my first book to become a best seller. Not by any means. But, I am hoping that I can at least sell enough to break even. And for that, I’ll need to grow. So, I’m going to attempt to make a post or a story every day on my social media accounts. Maybe this week I’ll also ask my friend to help me get my social on my home page of my blog so I don’t have to continuously link them in every post.

Anything Can Happen

I do believe that I can grow in being productive. There is an image I have of who I want to be – the type of woman I want to be. So far I’m not her. I have a lot of work and a lot of growing to do. But, I won’t grow if I don’t try. In fact, I actually want to challenge all of you to join me on this journey. What is one thing you want to grow in or change in your life? Let’s work on this together. Small steps, and bit by bit, we can do it. We can become the best versions of ourselves. Until then, we just need a little bit of grace and patience. Be kind to yourself and leave yourself room for error. We won’t change overnight. But we do know that anything can happen if we try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.