Caller – Chapter 12

cellphone with wires hanging near wall with shadows

Hello my dear friends. How was your week? Mine was not as productive as it should have been. I will need to work on doing better next week. There is still so much to do before I can say I’m fully moved out of the other place. However, that can all wait a bit because it’s time to give you all the next chapter. So, let’s go and see what happens in Caller, Chapter 12.


Avery jumped out of her father’s vehicle and rushed to the door, glancing at the car in the driveway. Who else could be here? Was Adam alright? Frantically, she knocked on the door. She waited and was about to knock again when the door opened.

“Avery, are you alright?” Without thinking, she pulled him into a hug, relief flooding through her. “Avery?” Letting go, she felt the heat in her cheeks as she blushed, turning redder when she noticed the two detectives. Glancing back, she was relieved that her dad had not stuck around to see her to the door.

“I’m alright. I was just worried about you.” Adam let her into the house, closing the door behind her. “Any update on your parents?” Adam shook his head and led her into the living room. Avery looked over at the two detectives and was introduced to both of them before they all sat down. She listened as Adam told her what the detectives had told him, and then informed the detectives that Avery had been helping him try to find his mom. Detective Mathers smiled at Avery before turning serious.

“Avery, the way you were banging on that door, and you said you were worried about Adam. What were you scared of?”


Daniel sighed as he pulled up in front of a run down cabin. How could it be that Adam could cause so much trouble? It was enough to make his boss nervous, and Adam was not even in the same town. Entering the cabin, a tired smile crossed his face when he saw the person inside.

“Nancy.” The two embraced and kissed. “You are as beautiful as ever. How are you, my love?” She smiled, looking just as exhausted as he felt.

“The boss seems worried. He said Adam is interfering with his plans? What does he mean? You left Adam behind, right?” Daniel nodded.

“Yes, but Adam has been talking to the police. We warned him that our son would be worried if we both disappeared. I mean, just look at how he reacted when you didn’t pick him up from school. The whole thing is just one big mess, but he can’t see it. We will all end up in jail if he doesn’t listen to us.”


Adam felt fear grip him as Avery told them about the caller and his message. The detectives were equally worried.

“And you have no idea who this caller was? You didn’t recognise the voice at all?” Avery shook her head and began digging in her backpack.

“No, I don’t have a clue. The caller just warned me to keep Adam from looking for his parents and then hung up. He had a raspy voice, almost like Mr. Wilkins. Could be a smoker’s rasp, but I’m not sure. Ah, here it is. I wrote down the number. Hopefully this can help you find the caller.” She passed the paper across to Detective Richards who looked at it.

“This could be really helpful. Thank you Avery. Did you hear any background noise that could help us pinpoint where he called from?” She shook her head. Adam finally spoke up.

“Are we in danger? Avery, maybe you should stay away for now. I don’t want to see you get hurt because of me.” She gave him a look that told him she wasn’t going anywhere.

“If that caller is after you, you shouldn’t be alone. We have a guest room. I’m sure my parents will let you stay, especially when we explain what’s going on.” Before Adam could turn it down, Detective Mathers spoke up.

“That’s a good idea. Avery’s family lives in town, and it will be a lot quicker to get police to you if there is a problem. You’re too vulnerable out here on your own. Pack a bag and we will drop you both off on our way back to the station.” Adam sighed. He was clearly outnumbered here, though he was secretly glad that Avery offered. He did not want to be alone right now.


Adam stood in the entrance with the detectives, listening to Avery explain the situation to her mother. It didn’t take long. Her mother immediately agreed that Adam should stay with them until his parents were located. Detective Richards gave her his card, told them to call if they even thought they were being watched, and left with his partner. Avery’s mom showed Adam to the guest room, then left to go make some lunch. Adam sighed as he sat on the bed.

“Thanks for everything Avery. I really hope I don’t bring trouble to your family. I wonder who that caller was. The voice you described didn’t sound familiar to me either.” She sat beside him.

“Detective Richards seems like a smart man. I’m sure he will get to the bottom of this. Until then, you will be safe here. My mom is ex-military. If anyone comes after us, she’ll kick their butt.” Adam smiled. He knew that Avery was trying to put his mind at ease, but it didn’t change the fact that he was worried. Who was that caller? Why did they call Avery? What were his parents involved in? And most importantly, where were they?

Caller mystery

Oh boy. Things are starting to get intense over here. Who was the caller? I think we can guess it was Daniel and Nancy’s mysterious boss, but can we know for sure? Well, that’s it for today. I’ll see you on Monday with another blog, and next Saturday with a new chapter. Right now, Marshall is asking for pets, so I should go snuggle him while he is cuddly. Have a great weekend everyone.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.