The Plan


Well, I had a plan for how I was going to move and get out of my place. The plan was to have everything moved out by the end of October. Then I was going to take a week or two to clean the place and be out by mid November. Well, that’s not going according to plan. Here’s what’s happening.


The plan makes perfect sense and I should have been able to pull it off. However, I greatly misjudged my time. When you’re throwing in packing and moving, while juggling night shifts and regular shifts, it gets a bit crazy. After a night shift I want to sleep, naturally. On a good day I can sleep in till about two in the afternoon. Now if I only start later at night, I still have plenty of time. However, sometimes I start earlier in the evening. Now I have enough time to eat, take care of the cat litter, shower and write a blog, if needed.


Now, you are probably reading that last part and thinking, “Steph, you still have plenty of time.” You would be right. I do have time, most days. However, I am someone who struggles with being lazy in my “free time” and the last thing I want to do with my free time is work. Now, I know that I am trying to see my blogs as a job, but this is something I actually enjoy. Packing and moving, not so much.

Too much stuff

In my mind, the plan would work just fine because I didn’t think I had a lot of stuff. Well, as anyone knows, you don’t know how much you have till you need to pack it all up. Every time I think I’m almost done, I open up another closet or cupboard and find more stuff. If I was moving to another apartment, this wouldn’t really be a problem. I would just chuck it to a corner and deal with it when I felt like it. But, I’m not moving into an apartment yet. I’m moving into a hotel room. Space is limited. I am prepared to live out of boxes for a while, and my boss is letting me use a storage space. However, I need to decide what’s going into storage and what’s going into the hotel. Organisation is not my favourite thing.

Trying to Stick to the plan

I’m trying to stick to the plan as much as possible. My goal this week is to swing by the apartment every day and bring some stuff over to the hotel. One of my coworkers has a daughter who loves to help me, and does so on Tuesdays. This week we actually got a lot more moved on Tuesday than last week, which was pretty awesome. Now I just need to find space for it so I can make room for the next haul. I’ll keep trekking away though, and maybe I can still be out by mid November like I planned.

Can’t give up

I can’t give up on the plan. If I throw it out the window, I know I’ll be scrambling at the end of November. That’s the last thing I want to do. This week, Wednesday and Thursday will be the hardest. I’ll be coming off night shifts and starting the next shift at 5pm. For those who don’t know, my night shift ends at 6am. The handy part is that I’m already sleeping at the hotel, so I don’t have far to go to get to my bed. I’ll let you know when I’m all moved in and hopefully everything goes according to plan. Anything can happen, but only if I try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.