Identify – Chapter 9

low angle shot of morgue entrance

Sorry that Chapter 9 is being posted so late in the day. I’m battling a cold at the moment and used the morning to get as much rest as possible. So, now let’s get into chapter 9, Identify, and see what we are in store for.


Adam sat in the back of the police cruiser in silence. Avery’s father had come shortly after the police arrived and she had been told to go home with him. Adam would have to identify the body on his own. As the cruiser pulled up to the morgue, the teen felt nauseous and bolted out of the back of the car, vomiting on the pavement. The two officers came over to see if he was okay, understanding that this was going to be hard. Adam spat, trying to rid his mouth of the taste. Wiping his sleeve across his mouth, he stood up shakily.

“Are you okay son?” Adam couldn’t look the officer in the eye but merely nodded. They led him into the building where they met a man in a suit, a badge on his belt. This was Detective Roberts. He looked to be in his forties with black hair and blue eyes. Standing at six foot one with a lean frame, the stress of the job showed only in his eyes. Those haunted eyes now looked at Adam with regret. No teenager should have to identify a body. Adam looked past Detective Roberts at the body on the table, covered with a white blanket. Everything seemed to stand still, the detective’s voice a distant murmur to him. Whose body was on that table? Was it his mom, or his dad? Maybe a complete stranger.

“Adam?” The teen looked at the older man. “Are you ready?” Adam nodded and followed him to the table. The coroner, a dark skinned woman with kind brown eyes, her hair under a surgical cap, walked over. The detective nodded to her and she pulled back the cover.


Avery paced in her bedroom, sleeping the farthest thing from her mind. Her thoughts were on Adam. She had begged her father to let her go with him, to be there for moral support. The cops and her dad thought it was a bad idea. It was bad enough that one teenager had to look at a dead body. No need to make it two. A knock sounded on her door and her mother poked her head in.

“Sweetheart? What are you still doing up? It’s well after midnight. You need your sleep.” Avery shook her head, pulling her phone out again. Her mother walked in, her blonde hair tied back in a braid. Avery had her brown eyes and slender frame.

“Mom, I can’t sleep. I’m worried about Adam.”Her mother pulled her into a hug.

“I understand your concern. However, there is nothing you can do right now. Try to get some rest. I’m certain he won’t contact you tonight.” Knowing that arguing with her mother was pointless, Avery put her phone on her nightstand and climbed into bed. Her mom kissed her forehead and left the room, closing the door behind her. Avery stared up at the ceiling, knowing that she was not going to get any sleep that night.


Adam stared at the woman on the table. A mix of emotions flooded over him. Detective Roberts looked at him, as if trying to gauge his reaction.

“Adam, is this your mother?” He stared at the body, bruises covering her face. Finding his voice, Adam shook his head.

“No. This is not my mom.” The coroner covered the body back up and Adam was guided out of the room. He wasn’t sure how to react to what was happening. On the one hand, he was relieved that the woman in the morgue was not his mother. On the other hand, where was she? The detective sat down with Adam.

“Young man, where are your parents?” Adam sighed, shrugging his shoulders.

“I don’t know. My mom has been missing for a few days now, and my dad disappeared just recently. I’m not sure what is going on. I know my parents have a secret. Detective Roberts, I don’t know what to do.” The kind officer sighed, shaking his head. After a prompt from the detective, Adam told him everything that had happened leading up to this moment.

“It does seem strange that your father and mother are clearly lying to you. I’m going to look into this and I will find you some answers.”


Detective Roberts watched as the cruiser drove off. He had asked the two officers to drive Adam home and stay parked outside his place. They were to contact him the second Adam’s father came back home. Getting into his own vehicle he ran a hand through his hair, fighting back a yawn. He wasn’t sure what was going on. A mysterious dead woman, two missing parents, and a teenager caught up in it all. Now he just had to figure out what it all meant. The first thing he needed to do was identify his victim, but where would he begin?

Can you identify?

Well, a mysterious woman, missing parents, and all of us with more questions. Maybe next week we will get some answers, but not too many. We don’t want the story to end too abruptly. Well, that’s it for today. I’m going to try and kick this cold. Have a great weekend everyone.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.