Slow Down – A Mental Health Blog

I’ve written blogs where I’ve shared that I’m struggling. I’m not doing so well mentally. Getting out of bed is still a chore. All I want to do is lay there, or get lost in a TV show. Working, moving, blogging, and I was supposed to start a YouTube channel this month. It’s all getting to be too much. I need to slow down.

Burning Out

As you can imagine, being an assistant manager at a hotel is not relaxing. We did promote another girl on staff to be a joint assistant manager, which does help. However, I still have bills to pay and so I still need to put in the hours. Trying to mix that with night shifts again is not fun. In fact, some days, it’s just exhausting. On top of that, I’m trying to do my other projects so that I can transition to working from home. And I need to be moved into the hotel by the end of November. Is it a wonder that all I want to do is sleep?

Slowing Down

I know that I need to slow down. If I don’t, I will sit in burnout and that won’t go well for anyone. I can’t slow down at the hotel yet. Bills still need to be paid and I still have one more month of rent in my lease. After November my bills will be reduced while I live at the hotel and work on paying off debt. I also need to move, so I can’t slow down there. My blogs are my passion. I love writing and have no desire to give up blogging. This leaves YouTube.

Shelving a project

After talking with my editor for YouTube, we both agreed to put the channel on the shelf, for now. We are going to look at it again next year and see if it’s something we want to still pursue, or if we toss the idea all together. To be honest, I’m not upset about it, like I thought I would be. When I was trying to think of things to film I realised that I didn’t have a passion for it at all. Not like my passion for my blogs and writing. So, it might not happen.

Moving Forward

For the remainder of the year I want to focus on getting moved into the hotel, growing my blog, and taking care of my own mental health. I want to be able to get out of bed without fighting my own mind each day. Hopefully I can also put some more focus again on my health and fitness journey. I know that will help me mentally as well. Maybe I can even sit down and write a novel to publish. That has been on the back burner all year. I will also continue with the novel I’m writing on here, one chapter at a time.

How are you?

I want you to take this time now to think about your own mental health. How are you doing? Are you taking on too much? Do you need to slow down and take something off your plate? As we enter into the holiday season please remember to take care of yourself as well. Together we can make it. Anything can happen if we try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.