Escape – Chapter 7

evening photo of a teenage girl running and looking back

Wow. What a full day. I can finally sit down and get this next chapter out. I will say that chapter 7, Escape, will be a shorter chapter. This is due to a few things. Time restraints and the focus of the chapter. So, with that out of the way, let’s dive in.


Her eyes shot open as the nightmares flooded her. She could feel the sweat covering her body and tried to reach up to wipe the sweat from her face. That was when she realised that she was still tied to the table. Looking down she could see that she was now in a dress. Struggling, she cried out in pain and felt the warmth of fresh blood on her abdomen. She lay still for a moment, letting her mind calm down as she tried to remember what happened.


The man came over, his face covered with a surgical mask, glasses, and his hair tied up in a surgical cap. He walked over with a marker and began drawing on her stomach, holding her down with his other arm as she tried to escape.

“Let me go!” He didn’t respond, but continued his work before walking over to a sink and washing his hand. “What do you want from me?” Again, no answer. She looked around, taking in the surgical tools, her fear growing as the gravity of her situation sunk in. “Let me go!” She screamed and began struggling harder, feeling the restraints bruising her skin. Her mother did always say she bruised like a peach. The man walked over, his hands now covered by surgical gloves. He grabbed a mask, turning a tank on before placing the mask over her face. The mask smelled like an old beach ball. That was the last thing she remembered before her world went dark.


She lay on the table, trying to figure out what he could have possibly taken from her. Was she really kidnapped for some organ? She tugged her left arm, then her right. Hope surged through her as the right gave slightly. Looking down she could see that the restraint was not fastened as tightly as the others. Wriggling her arm and tugging she was finally able to free her right hand. She could feel the blood pooling more, but the renewed hope filled her with determination as her adrenaline kicked in. She had to escape. There was no other option.

After what felt like hours she had done it. The last restraint fell away from her and she now lay on the table, feeling weak and exhausted. Looking around the room she spotted some towels on a counter. They looked clean. Sliding off the table, she collapsed on the floor. How long had she been a prisoner? Her legs felt weak and didn’t seem to want to respond to her wanting them to move. Panic set in. Was she paralyzed? Forcing herself to calm down, she became aware of the tingling in her legs. Gently she began massaging life back into her legs. Once she had feeling again, she used the table she had been strapped to to stand up. Pain shot through her body and she cried out as she collapsed again. Slapping a hand over her mouth she listened carefully, not even daring to breathe. Had he heard?


Shoving open the door, she took in a deep breath of fresh air, allowing the wind to awaken her more. It had been a long and hard journey. There were many times she had collapsed as she moved down the hall. Each time she feared that he would come and find her. Taking a step outside, the wind tugged her matted brown hair. It felt cold, but maybe that was the blood loss. She had done it. Finally, she had escaped!

Did she escape?

Oh man. This mystery girl has finally escaped her prison. However, did she escape, or is this just one small hurdle? Find out next week. For now, that’s it. I hope you enjoyed it and I look forward to writing the next chapter. Until then, enjoy the rest of your weekend and let’s see what October has to bring us.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.