Music – My current favorites

blue vinyl record playing on turntable

What kind of blogger would I be if I didn’t share some of my favourite music? After all, this is Life With Stephanie. To be clear, these are my current favourites. My taste in music changes just as quickly as the seasons of my life. Whatever I’m into at the moment determines a lot of what I like, so my taste in music, style, and lots of other things changes with it. Now, let me share some of my favourite playlists at the moment.

Go to music

My go to music right now is whatever I’ll put on if I just want to have music on. Right now, that would be a lot of classic rock music. I’m talking Styx, Blue Oyster Cult, Kansas, and whatever else Spotify has to offer me. The reason for this is I’ve been re-watching a lot of Supernatural, the TV show. My favourite character is Dean Winchester. He likes classic rock, therefore, so do I. Dean Winchester is played by American actor Jensen Ackles. Jensen started to pursue music with a man named Steve Carlson and they formed a group called Radio Company. They are also on my go to playlist. I would have to say though, my favourite song, at the moment, is Simple Man. More specifically Jensen’s acoustic coverage of it with his friend, Jason Manns. It’s truly amazing. I’ll link it below.


I try to spend some time each morning in devotions. This usually looks like reading a chapter in the Bible and journaling with prayer. With the way my mind works, I usually need music to focus. However, I do find that if the music contains words, I’m more focused on the words than my devotions. So, I listen to instrumental worship music during this time. I found a playlist on Spotify that I really love. It’s titled Instrumental Worship 2023. The music is relaxing and helps me to focus on my time with God and not let my mind wander too much.


Now, let me explain. When I’m talking about motivational music, this is what I will listen to when I need to get things done. This can be work at the hotel, working on a blog, or cleaning. Honestly, I cannot clean without some upbeat music on. This is typically a playlist made up of more pop and rock style music, with a mix of dance. One of the playlists I downloaded on Spotify is 2000s mix. This playlist contains music by artists like Linkin Park, P!nk, Owl City and more. However, I will also listen to classic rock and Radio Company for this as well. Basically, if it makes me want to get up and move, I’m going to listen to it when I need to get things done.

Christian Artists

I do listen to Christian music as well. Some of my favourites are Skillet, Red, Jeremy Camp and Elevation Church. I do have moments where I just want to listen to this genre and worship God that way. I believe I have some of these songs on my running playlist, which I haven’t used a lot this year. Hopefully more next.

Running/Exercise Music

I have one simple rule; this music must be upbeat and not annoying. The song has to have a good beat that you can run to. There are actually some songs on this playlist that are so much fun that I want to run to them. High Hopes by Panic at the Disco is one of those songs. There is just something about that song that I love running to.

That’s it

So, this is what I’m listening to these days. I know I didn’t cover everything because the type of music I listen to is widely dependent on my mood, my interests, and what I’m doing. There are days when I’m driving and all I want to do is sing Disney songs at the top of my lungs. Those are great times. This is also a good way for me to deal with my stress. Unfortunately I have not done this in a while because of financial strains. Hopefully things change soon. What about you? What do you like to listen to? I would love some more music to add to my playlists. That’s it for now. Have a great day and remember that anything can happen if we try.

Author: stephaniefournier5

My name is Stephanie and I live in a small city in Canada. I have two cats, Teddy and Marshall, that I adopted from a rescue. I currently work as an Assistant Manager at Roadhouse 52 Inn & Suites. I love writing, watching NHL hockey, and cooking. I am trying to get into fitness, but that's taking a bit longer, although I love Spin Class.